A school teacher who fancies himself a skilled grill man and a sports expert.
Posted by Pit Master at 4:30 PM 0 comments
After ignoring the NBA in favor of college and pro football, we have gotten plugged back into the roundball the past three weeks. And what do we think? Well, never has the West looked so stacked...and never has the East look so meek. In the spirit of worst is first, we will start with the right coast.
Posted by Pit Master at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Peter Vecsey on Shaq's Phoenix debut!
Hoops Weiss on Indiana's Kelvin Sampson!
Will the Hoosiers boycott games if, errr, when Sampson gets fired?!?
The Dom joins the Patriots! (And we talked to him yesterday at the Patriots Pro Shop!)
J-Lo gives birth! (Wait...who really cares?!?)
You mean Rocket lied?!? Shocking!
OU football regains 8 victories!
NFL Mock Draft! (Chris Long?!?)
McCain rumors help him?!?
Oil up over $100 -- now what?!?
Posted by Pit Master at 2:33 PM 0 comments
1. Britney looked better as a blonde.
Posted by Pit Master at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Posted by Pit Master at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Posted by Pit Master at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Posted by Pit Master at 7:12 PM 0 comments
How come you never hear a professional athlete say he has a cold? It's always, "So and so is suffering from flu like symptoms." Every single time. Anyway, I have been suffering from flu like symptoms for a few days. I sequestered myself from my family the past 72 hours to help ensure they could enjoy their vacation in Naples, Florida free from the aforementioned flu like symptoms.
Posted by Pit Master at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Posted by Pit Master at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Wallace Matthews, New York Newsday: "...he took the walk that true losers take, the walk of shame, off the field and up the tunnel and out of any claim he once may have had to a sense of dignity or honor or sportsmanship."
Posted by Pit Master at 4:15 PM 0 comments
1. Until the final half of the fourth quarter, the Super Bowl was a total snooze fest. It was the Giants making silly mistakes and the Patriots being feeble on offense. And Fox didn't give us any analysis at all to liven things up. The minute there was a change of possession, BOOM!, we were quickly sent to three minutes of commercials.
2. Despite the lack of time allowed to provide commentary and analysis, the Fox crew proved yet again it is far superior to the CBS first team of Jim Nantz and Phil Simms. Yes, Fox went a bit overboard in talking about the Giants (not a surprise because Fox carries the NFC games), but given the historical implications of the game, did we expect them not to spend a lot of time on the Giants' efforts? But Troy Aikman is easier on the ears than Simms. And Joe Buck uses him better than Nantz uses Simms. And we always have the feeling that everything Nantz does is simply a way for him to pass the time until he gets to Sunday afternoon at The Masters.
3. The Fox exception is Pam Oliver. She is a total waste of time. Let's face it -- the female sideline reporter is there to look good and/or provide good info. Unfortunately, Pam fails to deliver the goods for either category.
4. We said it for months to anyone who would listen. Richard Seymour was stealing money this year. He was a non-factor, yet again, all game yesterday. And did Ty Warren even play yesterday? Seriously, does anyone remember seeing him? And it was contagious, as even Mike Vrabel was a non-factor and big play corner Asante Samuel dropped a game clinching pick on the last drive.
5. And we know that the Patriots O-line are great guys. And they have that facial hair thing going. And Tom Brady loves 'em to death. But, man, they got their asses kicked and kicked hard yesterday. Seriously, if Matt Light had any stones, he would announce he is not going to next week's Pro Bowl. He was abysmal. Absolutely abysmal. And, as usual, the right side of the line (Stephen Neal/Nick Kaczur) was a literal turnstile.
6. And what about Boy Genius Josh McDaniel? A month ago, he was the next Jon Gruden -- a guy with an offense so dynamic he was destined to be a head coach at the age of, like, 12. Yes, we know the O-line was getting pushed around like school girls. And you can only run that slip screen to Wes Welker so many times, but couldn't Boy Genius have come up with something to off-set the pressure the Giants were bringing on every play?
7. Speaking of geniuses -- let's move on to Coach Bill. If your child left a game he was about to lose with one second left, would you not force him to get back on the field/court/diamond to take the loss like a man? If we were coaching and anyone left the field in that situation, we would call time-out and haul their asses back out there. Shouldn't the same be expected from Coach Bill? We love the guy. Love how he does exactly what he wants (being grumpy with the media, wearing the drab gray hoodie, refusing to be best friends with opposing coaches, etc), but yesterday's departure before the game ended crossed the line. He acted like a big baby.
8. Speaking of the hoodie, that thing he wore yesterday was hideous. Too bright, too small and too heavy in the humid indoor stadium.
9. Did the hoodie nuke his brain cells? Why in the world would Coach Bill go for it on 4th and 13, instead of kicking a 48-yard field goal? Yes, that's a long kick. But given the lack of pocket time Brady had, did he really think QB12 would convert a pass for a first down?
10. We are guessing Brady was injured more than he let on. The few times he had time to set up, his throws were often off the mark and simply un-Brady-like. To his credit, he will never admit to it publicly -- but he had to be playing at less than full strength.
Posted by Pit Master at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Posted by Pit Master at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Posted by Pit Master at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Posted by Pit Master at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Posted by Pit Master at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Mike Lupica on Congress and Spygate: "...now the government, in the person of a tough old bird named Sen. Arlen Specter, is making noises about wanting to get involved in this, get in Roger Goodell's business and Bill Belichick's business, and anybody else who knew anything about what sounds like a video system that would make Vegas envious."
Want to play Whack a Patriot?!?
Have money in the Stock Market? Cheer for the Giants!
Rick Gosselin on a Pats' Super Bowl Victory today: "...don't assume the best of the unbeatens translates into the best team of all time."
Peter Vecsey on the Lakers getting Pau Gasol: "Wilt, Kareem, Magic, Jamaal Wilkes, James Worthy, Shaq and Kobe all became Lakers as a consequence of poor or pressured decisions by competing executives. Pau Gasol has joined that glitzy group."
How to keep your brain fit!
NY Times on the writers' strike: "Informal talks between representatives of Hollywood’s striking writers and production companies have eliminated the major roadblocks to a new contract, which could lead to a tentative agreement as early as next week..."
Why Google doesn't care if Microsoft buys Yahoo!
Posted by Pit Master at 9:08 AM 0 comments
We are starting a new column here at The Pit Master. It is a blatant rip-off of (1) Pat Forde's "40 Yard Dash" column that he pens during the college football season. But, of course, our version comes with a twist. Instead of 40 things pertaining to college football (Forde's runs the gamut from coaches and players to cheerleaders and college bars), ours is 22 things pertaining to...well, whatever is on our mind at the time. As for the name of the column? Keep reading and you will find out.
It's kind of embarrassing that as a father/husband in his 30s (at least for a few more months), we find anything related to (2) Britney Spears to be utterly fascinating and quite entertaining. Trailer park mom, divorced (and drunk) dad, millions of dead presidents raked in before Britney was even legal. Several failed marriages, baby sis (3) Jamie Lynne gets knocked up. I mean. What's not to like? Why do people watch the news? Hint: It's not because of the feel good stories.
Andrew 22 and our son were watching the Knicks - Celtics game on MLK Day and immediately noticed how FAT the Knicks are. (4) Eddie Curry, (5) Quinton Richardson and (6) Zach Randolph are collectively 200 pounds overweight. Easily. At least Curry and Randolph are 6'9" and 6'11", respectively. Q is generously listed 6'5" -- which means he is really about 6'4". Good Gawd, man, mix in some salads and walk away from the dessert tray. It evokes memories of Our Guy (7) Peter Vecsey coining the nickname Dinner Bell Mel for roly-poly (8) Mel Turpin back in the mid '80s.
Speaking of fat, this blog has always enjoyed poking fun at Boston Celtics star (9) Paul Pierce for being a donut shy of obesity. Andrew 22 will say this about Pierce, the 2008 version: He has lost a few lbs since last season. And we will admit he is a big guy (not tall, mind you). Still, the Softball Guy who goes three bills (and laughs about it)? He has more muscle tone than Pee-Pee. Seriously, what's Pee-Pee's body fat percentage? It must be something disgusting like 70 percent. Or 95.
Man, this writers strike is starting to be a real drag. It's deprived us of (10) 24. And interrupted (11) The Office and (12) Gossip Girl. Thank goodness for (13) The Food Network, (14) John Black coming back to Days of Our Lives, and reruns of (14) Friends and The Office (on TBS).
Back in the day, when we ran (15) The Collegiate Press Box, we used to line up people we loathed and print stuff like we wanted to "punch them in the face" or "throw them under the bus." Now that we are (allegedly) more mature, we will say there are people we want to "crack-back block on." First up in our inaugural Andrew 22 column: Dr. Fat, errrrrr, (16) Dr. Phil. First, he gravy-trained (© (17) Jim Rome) off Oh-Pee, errrrrr, (18) Oprah. Now he thinks he is the shrink for the country. (Witness him throwing himself on Our Gal Brit.)
For Christmas, we received a couple of gift cards to i-Tunes. Having never downloaded songs from there, we were quite curious about the process. We quickly discovered that basically every song ever created was at our fingertips to download quickly and easily. Man, it brought back the dreamy year that (19) Napster was all the rage. We used to sit in the basement and download 25 songs a night. And it was, wait for it............free! All of it.
Andrew 22's 6-yr old son has already decided that when he "grows up", he will be playing college football at Michigan. And, of course, his old man is down with that. But somehow, we would not mind (at all) him playing for (20) Coach Pete at SC.
Speaking of college football, less than six weeks until (21) spring practice. Which means fall is almost around the corner.
"And it was good..."
Finally, none other than Larry Bird himself described (22) Andrew Toney as the best offensive player he ever played against. Well, other than Michael Jordan, of course.
Posted by Pit Master at 3:52 PM 0 comments