Saturday, May 31, 2008
Do not disturb!
We coached three different sports today. Our son had a soccer game game at 9:15 AM. (We won, 10-4. He scored 4 goals.) Then he had a baseball game at 11. (We lost, 16-12. He was 3-3 with two RBI.) Finally, at 1 PM, our daughter had a softball game. (She won, 10-2. Even better, she got her first hit of the season. She ended up 3-3, with one RBI.)
Now that the parental bragging portion of the day, not to mention the five-plus hours of coaching, are done, we will be on the couch from now until bedtime. Do not disturb!
Posted by Pit Master at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
1. News item: Bill Murray's wife says he is addicted to booze and sex. We say: So what's the problem?!? Oh, my!
Posted by Pit Master at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Guardian of Sin City
Brandon Walsh: "Hold on. What do we have here? Yes, sir, that is Vegas. Surfing stops here. We're talking about Dan Tanna. The Guardian of Sin City. The coolest of the cool. God Bless America."
Posted by Pit Master at 5:29 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Papa's got a brand new funk grill*
Next, we put in new Flavorizer Bars.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
It's all about hoops!
College basketball's top recruiting classes!
The decline of Arizona hoops!
Peter Vecsey: AI on the trading block?!?
Big Test for Big 3!
NBADraft.Net: Roy Hibbert falling all the way to #18?!?
Derrek Kellogg lands UConn transfer!
DC all done at Louisville!Baron Davis to Knicks?!?
Heat looking to booze for Boozer?!?
Posted by Pit Master at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Staying home today for the big 4-oh
Today is my wife's birthday, so we are both taking the day off from work. Woo-Woo!
Stuff I Want To Happen
1. Get up early and run (helps with the motor oil detox)
2. Go to Dunkin' Donuts for hazelnut coffee
3. Get the puppy up and out, while reading sports page
4. Get the kids fed, lunches made and to the bus stop
5. Watch TV
6. Cruise the Internet
7. Watch more TV
8. Repeat points 5-8
9. Repeat point 8...over and over
Stuff That Really Will Happen
1. Steps 1-4 (already done)
2. Go shopping with the birthday girl
3. Pay for a lot of stuff (none of which is for me)
4. Carry all the stuff
5. Go to lunch (and get stuck with the bill happily pay)
6. Carry shopping bags (crates?) into house
7. Watch as bags (all 33 of them) get emptied
8. Say stuff like, "Wow, that looks great!"
9. Think stuff like, "Wow, I wonder how long until I can hit the couch for 90210 reruns and cooking shows!"
Posted by Pit Master at 8:29 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Birthday Shots?!?
Two quickies before we dash off:
1. The Celtics will beat the Pistons in six games. We said this the second Boston defeated the Cavs on Sunday. The Pistons are simply not that good. Yes, they have about 1,000 games of playoff experience. However, Detroit is old and lacking one true break-down player on offense. Plus, they have no bench and their coach, Flipper, is a total dolt. Why The Rest of the World does not realize this and insists on picking Detroit is beyond us.
2. Tomorrow is our wife's birthday. We have good friends of ours, whose wife's birthday is today. So we all went out to eat tonight. Somehow, someone (wasn't us!) decided it would be appropriate for all of us to do something called a "Birthday Shot". The end result? We can now say we know what it's like to taste motor oil. Ugh...
Posted by Pit Master at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Memo to Cavs: Next time bring some Oh!
1. The Cavaliers are downright gruesome to watch on offense. Seriously, why don't they just put four guys on one side of the floor and let LeBron play one-on-one on the other side? Otherwise, they simply can't score. How bad is it when you have to bring in Joe Smith (Joe Smith!) for an offensive lift? And really -- the only difference between Wally Szczerbiak and us is the fact that he is 6'7" and we aren't. Besides that -- it's a total wash. We, too, can launch flat footed set shots that only go in when we are the widest of wide open.
2. Time for Ben Wallace to retire. The afro is cool and all, but besides that -- what else is there? Ah...nothing. At least he used to be good on defense. Today? He guarded Kendrick Perkins -- the fifth best scoring option among Boston's starting five.
3. As we predicted, Paul Pierce, in the comforts of the Boston Garden and the hometown refs, had a big game today. Really big, in fact. However, we thoroughly enjoyed the Pee Pee's first quarter. We lost track of what was higher: the number of times he got his shot punched or the number of times he cried to the refs. (Which was ironic, because the zebras could have should have called him for traveling every time he drove to the hoop.) Also vintage Pee Pee, ever the phony, when he fell on a camera man (nothing like having Pee Pee's 280 lbs drop on you) and came up with a fake ankle injury. Replays clearly showed no damage at all to his foot or ankle. We can only guess that since he is no longer allowed to act like a tough guy and throw down gang signs (as if...), Pee Pee figures he will act tough by bouncing back from a fake ankle injury. Have another doughnut. Nice try, Pee Pee.
4. LeBron vs. Pee Pee -- Funny how LeBron took more physical abuse than anyone in the game and never once wolfed or faked an injury. Pee Pee, meanwhile, spent the whole game flopping, grimacing and faking numerous injuries. That probably explains why LeBron's toughness is universally respected throughout the league, while Pee Pee is openly disliked by nearly everyone outside of New England. (A fact, by the way, that Jackie MacMullan wrote about two years ago.)
5. How great was it to see Eddie House's son running around the baseline and then on the court during timeouts?!? Even better was when he jogged into the lockerrom with dad for halftime. We now kind of like Eddie House. (That makes House, KG and Sam I Am -- for those counting at home.)
Posted by Pit Master at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Perhaps the dumbest column EVER
Some Loser Named Gregg Easterbrook writes on "The reason Spygate keeps dragging on is because the guilty party -- New England coach Bill Belichick -- has not been punished in any meaningful way. Belichick cheated and lied, and so far has gotten away nearly scot-free. The $500,000 fine assessed against Belichick is a token sanction at his income level. The draft choice fine against the Patriots penalizes mainly the team's fans, who are not responsible for what happened. Patriots players are in effect being punished for their coaches' actions by having their reputations harmed. Suspending Belichick for at least a year would constitute a serious penalty where none has been imposed so far, and show pro football is serious about integrity."
Posted by Pit Master at 5:01 PM 0 comments
More Pee Pee & some tasty links
Posted by Pit Master at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A little about a lot of things
Romo and Simpson all done?!?
Newscaster drops F-bomb during live telecast!
The women linked to Roger Clemens!
Man, this guy hates Bill Belichick!
The state where kids watch TV but not what they eat!
Meet Derek Kellogg on May 21!
Paul Domowitch: Arlen Specter needs to go away! Osama Obama calls female reporter "sweetie"?!?
The latest from L.A. on O.J. Mayo!
*Note: There is no article on Paul Pierce. We just wanted to post the picture and ask:
1. How did the basket not collapse with Fat Boy Pee Pee swinging on it?!?
2. How come he never does these manly things on THE ROAD?!?
Posted by Pit Master at 6:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Good stuff...
If this doesn't get you "pumped and jacked" (© Coach Pete), you've got a problem. Or maybe you are a Communist.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Why jump into the lottery when you can jump into a pool?!?
Seriously, how great is this? You have the National College Player of the Year announcing he is coming back for his senior season. Two weeks later, he is jumping off a frat house balcony into a pool of water. To quote Johnny Damon, "Drinking may have been involved."
Joakim Noah may have millions, but is he having more fun than Tyler Hansbrough?!?
Judgng by this picture, we are guessing the answer is NO!
Posted by Pit Master at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Pee Pee = A True Team Leader!

A. Get a technical and cost your team a crucial point!
B. Sit on the floor far away from your team as it huddles around coach Doc Rivers!
C. Cast an angry, pouty stare on your face!
D. Offer words of encouragement to your teammates. Talk to ABSOLUTELY NO ONE(!) the last three minutes of the game!
Pee Pee: A True Team Leader!
Posted by Pit Master at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Pee-Pee is not really all that tough...
The year was 1995. We met Paul Pierce while he was playing in The Boston Shootout, which at the time was one of the best high school all-star setting in the country. Pierce, having just graduated from Inglewood (CA) High School, was the drawing card on the California entry.
Hey, man.
No only did his speech change. His body language changed. His facial expressions varied from sulking to looking angry and back to sulking.
He became a phony. He wanted everyone to think he was this Angry Black man. Yet, he was once a Nice Black Kid.
The irony was that while he was acting all tough, he came thisclose to getting stabbed to death in a dance club. In fact, the only thing that saved his life was the fact that he was Fonzi wearing a heavy leather jacket. During the trial, Pierce had trouble remembering who stabbed him. Most assumed he was too scared to finger the defendants. He hired body guards to protect him 24 hours a day.
He wants everyone to think he is a tough guy. Reality is he is a big baby. A big fraud. And a total loser. The "alleged" gang sign that Pee Pee wants everyone to think was the team signal for "Blood, Sweat & Tears"?!?!? Funny, that we have never seen him throw it down in an opponent's face before. So it must have just been a coincidence that he did it after Atlanta's Al Horford got in Fat Boy's Pee Pee's face?
Oh, OK.
We have no doubt Pee Pee was throwing down a gang sign. It's his personality. Not to be a gang banger, but a TOTAL FRAUD. He is as much of a gang banger as your mailman is. But he wanted everyone to know how tough he is. KG, his teammate, is ultra-tough. Yet, he does not feel the need to throw down signs announcing his toughness. Pee Pee could learn many things from Garnett. First and foremost is the fact that you show people how tough you are not by wearing a leather coat or flashing gang signs. And not by changing your dialect to sound like you are hardened by the streets. No, you simply prove your toughness by keeping your mouth shut and working hard.
KG is a man we admire and cheer. Paul Pierce is a loser.
More Pee Pee/gang sign stuff:Posted by Pit Master at 3:45 PM 0 comments