We strongly feel whoever wins game 3 tonight will be in complete control of the World Series. Unfortunately, we think the Yankees have the edge.
Because Andy Pettitte and Cole Hamels are the pitchers.
The left handed Pettitte figures to be tough on Chase Utley and Ryan Howard. And the left handed Hamels figures to be tough on no one. (Except for his outfielders, who most likely will be running all over the place tracking down balls.)
We will say this, if Hamels lays yet another egg tonight, he will be our new Whipping Boy.
On a happier note, The Playmaker celebrated his 8th birthday this morning with a 4-2 soccer win for Team 801. The Birthday Boy netted 2 goals. We are now 5-0-1 on the season.
Stay safe out there tonight, people.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Winner take all...
Posted by Pit Master at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
The World has NOT Ended...
A return to Natural Order was on tap last night, as Your Flag Football Cardinals returned to their winning ways, 27-14. Trailing 14-12 at halftime, The Playmaker scored the go ahead touchdown on a 10 yard catch. (He also scored a TD during our 28-21 loss on Black Tuesday.) We are now a nifty 9-1 with four games remaining.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
That's one...

Posted by Pit Master at 6:50 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The World has Ended...
Eagles 28 Cardinals 21.
Depression. Serious Depression.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
We won our third straight fantasy football game, 111-80. We are now 5-2 and tied for first in our division. Drew Brees had a second half rally against the Dolphins to finish with 21 points and Ryan Grant came up big with 20. But the biggest puff of smoke lift came from Ricky Williams. We benched Clinton Portis, who would have given us just 4 points (and 1 thrown helmet). Instead, we picked up 27 points (3 TDs) from Williams. Our receivers did little (star Mike Sims-Walker had the bye), as Larry Fitz, Jeremy Macklin Maclin and Michael Crabtree combined for just 18 points (and zero TDs).
Posted by Pit Master at 6:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Dollars & Goals...
1. We participated in the neighborhood multi-family garage sale from today from 9-12. Our expectations were, well, we were expecting to sell nothing. Old games and books, some stuff from the in-laws' old Hallmark store, lots of little things. The most expensive thing we laid out was a toy box ($15). Yet, somehow, someway, at the end of the 3 hour sale, most of the stuff had sold and we had netted almost $200.
2. Team 801 abused its opposition today, winning 8-2. The Playmaker led the way with 6 goals. Our record is now 4-0-1.
Posted by Pit Master at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
Three & Out...
1. Your Flag Football Cardinals won (again) last night! This time it was 28-14. The Playmaker had one catch for 12 yards. On defense he had (at least) 5 tackles, including 3 behind the line of scrimmage.
2. Brent Suicide Pool! We are one of four peeps left. Sunday, we're taking the Patriots over the Bucs.
3. Fantasy! Currently on a two game winning streak, we are 4-2 for the season. Last week we shattered the 100 point mark for the second time. We have a standing offer to move Brent Celek for DeSean Jackson.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
World Dominance...
Your Flag Football Cardinals got another victory last night, topping the Seahawks, 28-14. Our record is now 7-0. It's not our style to brag, but The Playmaker was the star of the game. He caught two passes for 50 yards. One of those was a 40 yard TD down the right sideline. On defense, he made at least 4 tackles, including two behind the line of scrimmage on (foolish) rushing attempts. It was also his turn to get a series at quarterback. And how did he do?!? He completed all four of his passing attempts as he led the team down the field on a 40 yard scoring drive. The TD pass come on a crossing pattern that he threw about 8 yards and his receiver ran another 10 yards to the end zone. Just for kicks, we went to primecomputing.com and figured out his passing rating. ***It was a whopping 148.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:41 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
That stuff we said when the playoffs started about not having high expectations for the Phillies and, as such, we were not going to stress out during the playoffs?
Posted by Pit Master at 6:15 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thoughts on last night's 11-0 win:
Posted by Pit Master at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Playing with fire...
Taking a break from sitting in front of the day-long fire just long enough to say...
Posted by Pit Master at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Happy Friday...
Your Flag Football Cardinals keep churning out victories. But last night was a tough one (second straight, for those keeping track). We won 21-14. And The Playmaker, for the second time in three games, scored the game winning touchdown. How he did it, we honestly don't know. He caught a simple 6 yard button hook, turned and ran right down the middle of the field. Somehow, someway, he ran through four defenders without getting his flag ripped. Forty yards later he was in the end zone and everyone was looking for one of his flags on the field. None were to be found. Other than that, we really did not play very well. So today the Head Ball Coach will be putting together a new game plan for next week. Still, 6-0 is just that. 6-and-oh.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Phillies @ Dodgers...
A week ago, we had no faith in the Phillies advancing far in the playoffs. Now, having swatted away the pesky Rockies, we are full of chest thumping confidence. We truly think they are a better team than the Dodgers. However, game one tonight will be huge. While we believe in the Phillies, we do not yet believe in Cole Hamels. For whatever reason, he has been nothing (nothing!) like he was last season. We have seen small windows of brilliance -- but nothing sustained like last fall. So if he somehow gets the Phillies a W tonight, we think it could very well be a short series. If not, we still think they will win -- but we will have to agonize over six or seven games.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:56 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Yawn...another W...
We won another flag football game last night, 28-14. The Playmaker played well. He had 3 catches for roughly 60 yards. On one of them, he hauled ass down the center of the field, only to be caught at the 1 yard line. Literally, the 1. On defense he had one tackle behind the line of scrimmage (drawing the ire of the opposing d-bag coach) and a suh-weet interception where he cut right in front of his man for the pick.
That brings our record to a spotless 5-and-oh. We have now played every team once. For those keeping track at home, the scoreboard reads: 3 coaches we like and 2 coaches we want to punch in the face. (We're just saying...)
Posted by Pit Master at 6:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Man, are we glad we stayed around for the end of this one.
Posted by Pit Master at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Four on the floor, yet again...
1. We are not hopeful about Fantasy Football today! Drew Brees and the Saints have a bye. However, given the way Brees has played the last two weeks, maybe that is actually a good thing. Mark Sanchez is our backup. We only wish we had moved him three weeks ago when we were offered The Hamburglar for him. Oh well. Also, we picked up Shady McCoy on waivers yesterday. (Michael Bush, we hardly knew ya.) Winning has almost become secondary to us. We now are simply trying to get as many Eagles on our team as possible. DeSean Jackson is now on our radar and we preparing a blockbuster deal to land him.
Posted by Pit Master at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Rumeal Robinson: From hoops hero to professional loser...
Posted by Pit Master at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Four on the floor...
1. It was 30 degrees in Minnesota for the Gophers game against Purdue! If you don't like cold weather football, then you are a communist. In fact, the only good thing about Big Ten football is the cold weather. Purdue got smoked, but does anyone even care?!?
2. Have you heard Tebow had a concussion?!? Good Gawd, man, enough already! We told you two weeks ago The World would be forced to endure 13 days of Tebow updates. Thankfully, it all ends in a few hours. There is a better chance of snow in Gainesville today than there is of Tebow not playing in Baton Rouge tonight. Of course, Tebow's BFF, Urban Meyer, will milk this for all it's worth. Heck, Coach will probably have Tebow's picture mounted on the wall. It will read: Tim Tebow played two weeks after sustaining a concussion! Meanwhile, in the NFL guys play, like, five minutes after a concussion. Oh -- even if Tebow does not play, Florida wins by at least 10 points tonight.
3. What's your weight, boy?!? We caught a few minutes of the 1983 replay of Michigan and Iowa this week. Classic how the heaviest starter on Michigan's team was its 255 pound center. Now, that guy would be an outside linebacker.
4. Ties suck -- the only thing worse is getting cheated into one! Team 801 tied this morning, 2-2. We would have had at least two more goals except for the fact the other coach thought it was cool to let 3 or 4 of his kids stand in the goal at one time. We kid you not. Frigging D-bag. Anyway, The Playmaker had both of our goals.
Posted by Pit Master at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
Coach Nickerson: "That pass interference penalty was no fluke..."
We figured sooner or later we would get there. The only surprising thing is that it took four games for it to happen.
Posted by Pit Master at 5:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
We were cruising the web during lunch yesterday and happened to be on when the Michael Crabtree story broke. Ten seconds later we were seeing if anyone had beat us to the punch in our Fantasy World. Seeing no one had, we quickly waived OU Guy Mark Clayton and welcomed Crabtree onto our team. About an hour later, the Blackberry blew up with texts from the rest of the league cursing us out.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Jayson Werth back on track...
Phillies now up 5-zip in the 8th.
Posted by Pit Master at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Our Ambitionz as a Ridah...
1. We are not optimistic at all regarding the Phillies' post season chances! And we're OK with that. They gave us a championship last year and a third straight National League East title this season. They owe us nothing. So we are going to sit back and try not to get stressed out this week. There are simply too many problems with this team. Cole Hamels has not pitched well all season. Cliff Lee, clearly burned out by a slew of complete games this summer, has not pitched well in over a month. Brad Lidge has been terrible. The rest of the pen is hurt -- Moyer, Park and Romero have all been shut down for the rest of the season. Still, their offense has the potential to be the best in baseball. So, who knows?!?
2. Another game, another W in flag football! The Cardinals won last night, 28-7. Yes, we actually gave up a touchdown for the first time all season (on the first play, no less). The Playmaker caught one pass for 20 yards. (It was the only time all night we threw to him.)
3. A first in this space -- a FIELD HOCKEY update! It is actually nice to go watch The Playmaker's Sister play and not be the coach. We can just go and be a parent-slash-fan. There aren't a lot of teams at the 5th/6th grade level, so the girls have only played two games. They lost their first one (against a 7th/8th grade team), 4-0. Monday night, they lost to a 6th/7th grade team, 2-0. Major improvement, though, Monday as the girls actually had the ball in the other team's half of the field for a while. (Maybe that happened game one for a total of 20 seconds?!?) The Playmaker's Sister played "middie" (which we can only assume stands for midfielder?!?) the first game and forward the second.
4. Rumor has it the NBA has started playing pre-season games! The Sixers won their first game last night, defeating the Raptors 107-98. (Bosh and Hedo did not play.) The only thing that caught our eye was Jason Kapono wearing number 72. His explanation? "It's a rare number and I'm a rare person." Um, OK, if you say so. ZZZ.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Sharing our fantasy...
We dropped our third straight fantasy football game, 120-89. The good news is we were up from the pathetic 49 points the week before. The bad news is for the second week in a row, Drew Brees gave us nothing. In week 3, he got us a wimpy 4 points. This past Sunday was not much better -- 7 points. After dominating week 1 (45 points), he has somehow gone 2 straight games without throwing a touchdown. With Larry Fitzgerald having the bye, we needed someone (anyone!) to get us some points at the flanker spot. Chansi Stuckey got us nothing -- literally. And he is now on waivers. Mark Clayton gave us 4 points for the second week in a row. Even worse, we sat in the stadium watching him drop two potential scoring passes. Good news, though, as last week's waiver wire pickup Mike Sims-Walker came up HUGE and got us 21 points. And Denver, our new D, earned a nifty 15 points. Finally, we made the right decision to bench Clinton Portis, as Ricky Williams got us a solid 15 points.
As for this week, of course we will be active during tomorrow's waiver period. Yet another receiver will be added. And we are still dangling our tight ends (Dallas Clark and Brent Celek), who are first and second in tight end scoring. So far, however, the receivers we have been offered are not impressive enough.
Posted by Pit Master at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Up in smoke?!?
The Clinton Portis era is over. At least for us. At least temporarily. With the underachieving Washington running back questionable with a bad knee, we have decided to bench him. In his place is Mr. Blunt himself, Ricky Williams -- making his first appearance of the season for us.
Perhaps it was a move we should have made sooner, as Williams has been a more productive player over the first three weeks of the season.
Also, we officially dumped receivers Eddie Royal and Antonio Bryant. In their place we have added OU/Raven flanker Mark Clayton and Mike Sims-Walker of the Jags. (We added MSW after losing out on waiver prize Pierre Garcon.) And we swapped the Falcons' D for Denver's. Finally, with the Eagles having a bye, we temporarily waived kicker David Akers in favor of Lawrence Tynes (Giants). We will bring Akers back next week.
We are 2-1 on the season.
Suicide Pool/Last Man Standing Update: Heading into week four, we are still alive (as is The Playmaker). We are going with the Giants over the Chiefs and The Playmaker is taking the Colts over the Seahawks.
Posted by Pit Master at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Take a memo...
Memo to Michigan QB Tate Forcier: Stop being like Brett Favre and forcing passes into tight spots. You brought your team back today against Michigan State. But then you gave the game away with a terrible interception in overtime.
Memo to Kansas basketball coach Bill Self: Get control of your team. A week after your ballers brawled several times (losing each one) with the Fighting Manginos, one of your players got clipped for DWI.
Memo to OU defensive back Dom Franks: Shut your mouth and play winning football tonight against The U. You have talked for two years. Last year, Saint Tebow abused you. A month ago, the immortal Max Hall of BYU toasted you. Shut down Miami's passing game, secure the W tonight and then you can wolf.
Posted by Pit Master at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
The march continues...
Your Flag Football Cardinals improved to 2-0 last night with a 20-zip shutout. Due to a late start because of "flag issues", we only had 4 possessions in the game -- and we scored on 3 of them. (For the season, we have scored on 8 of 9 possessions.) The Playmaker had three catches. One was good for an extra point and another one was a touchdown reception. The TD was a nice 10 yard pass and then he ran another 15 yards into the end zone. Believe it or not, the play came on an audible. The original route was and out-and-up. But upon seeing the center of the field was wide open, The Head Ball Coach audibled to a simple fly pattern down the middle of the seam. The beauty of coaching 7 year olds is how the audible worked. Here's how it went down: The kids take turns hiking the ball to the coach. It was The Playmaker's turn to hike it to us. As we readied for the snap we whispered, "Can you hear us?" When The Playmaker whispered back, "Yes", we told him to run a fly pattern. He snapped the ball, blew by his man and then made a nifty over the shoulder catch and chugged it into to the house.
Good stuff.
Posted by Pit Master at 4:45 PM 0 comments