Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Don't eff w/us...
Last Saturday we were at basketball with The Playmaker. Our record was 2-0 on the season, but more importantly, the kids had been having fun. Everyone has improved since last season (most of the kids played for us last year) and we continue to (as Larry Brown says) play the right way. Each possession someone new gets to bring the ball up the court. We look to pass to the open man. We all play tight D. And everyone goes hard to the boards. Most importantly, everyone has a good time.
As things began to get out of hand, the coach tried something unheard of in the 1st/2nd grade league: He actually tried to draw up a play. Coming out of a break, his point guard yelled, "Play 1!" That resulted in him dribbling while his four teammates stood around in a state of confusion. When he tried to pass the ball, The Playmaker picked it and ran down the court for a layup. After that, no more plays were run. Classic.
We ran by, around, past and through them. When it was all said and done, the score was Bucks 50 Clippers 26. The Playmaker had 14 points, 8 rebounds and 4 assists. For the first time ever, he was not our leading scorer. His friend Alex actually had 18 points.
Not surprisingly, the other coach had nothing to say after the game.
Posted by Pit Master at 5:43 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday thoughts...
Win some, lose some, as Oklahoma lost out on the second ranked player in the country (Jackson Jeffcoat) today but gained a top 30 player (and top 5 LB) in Corey Nelson ... Classic story on Johnny Trigg packing a gun in his boot ... We will never forget when Our Guy Brent said this about a highly touted freshman baller: "He's an Olympic marksman who's learning how to hunt" ... If you want pizza, you want Mack & Manco ... We have yet to meet anyone who says they will be getting the new iPad ... This week, The Guru has us using a fluoride rinse every night ... Yes, we realize we never posted last Saturday's hoop roundup -- we will try for tomorrow morning ... Does anyone else remember LaBradford Smith throwing down for Bay City, Texas?!? ... Happy Friday!
Posted by Pit Master at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Three & Out...
1. We saw the new Apple Tablet today! Our first impression is that for $499 most people won't want to deal with the awkward size -- roughly 8x11. For five bills you can get a stripped down laptop or a zooped up netbook. Now there will be some people who will buy it because they will buy anything that has an Apple logo. But for those who speculated the tablet would be as popular as the iPhone -- sorry, we just don't see it.
2. No one cares about the Pro Bowl! No one cares and no one wants to play. What if they went with the NBA's idea of a rookies vs. sophomores game?!?
3. Quality television shows abound! We will get into specifics in a later entry, but our DVR is maxing out with a ton of shows that we watch every week. We are hardcore fans of at least seven different shows right now.
Posted by Pit Master at 4:51 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Men by numbers...
15 Chris Abner, 1980
Posted by Pit Master at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Saturday night...
Wow. What a day of basketball. Too physically and mentally wiped to upload. (Can you say Urban Meyer Burnout?!?) Anyway, check back tomorrow for the dope. In the meantime, enjoy this flashback.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 22, 2010
Friday Thoughts...
Rex Ryan may actually be a better head coach than father Buddy, but he's not nearly as entertaining as the old man was ... Mark McGwire should just go away ... Caught part of Bright Lights, Big City today and had totally forgotten that Jack Bauer used to be Tad Allagash ... Classic McInerney line: Tad is always on his way but seldom arrives ... We'll say it again: If John Wall is the top NBA prospect, then the 2010 draft is going to be awful ... DVR'd the season premiere of Being Erica and it was a great opening ... If Jerry Jones was our father, we'd be A) Loaded and B) Absolutely horrified and embarrassed ... We are still pissed at how the Brent Suicide Pool ended ... That audio tape of Bobby Knight's tirade in practice 20 years ago is perhaps the single greatest clip of its kind ... One day we want to go home to West Virginia ... Lastly, The Guru says more fish -- so we are set to grill some salmon and swordfish tonight ... Happy Friday!
Posted by Pit Master at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wi-Fi by the fire, 1.0
1. If you don't like watching ESPN's Pardon the Interruption, you are a communist or a loser. (Or simply not a sports fan.)
2. The Guru says to drink green tea. So that's what we are drinking while typing this.
3. We really miss college football. A lot.
4. Buster Blanton is worth 8 mill a year?!? Wow.
5. Oh, don't worry. We are still working on the dinner list of five. It's just not easy.
6. Playmaker Update: The Bucks won last Saturday, 38-16. The Playmaker led the way (again) with the following stat line: 12 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 rejections.
7. We remember Tony Kimbro. (Push yourself, Tony, push yourself!) Do you?!?
Posted by Pit Master at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Scott Brown! (And what he means!)
Osama's Obama's reign will end in 2012!
2. Mitt Romney can now start making plans to move into the White House!
3. We won't have to give up our hard earned money to support lazy peeps looking for handouts!
Posted by Pit Master at 6:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Season over...
The Saints won and the Chargers lost. And so our Brent Suicide Pool came to an end. Goodbye potential $400 and hello second guessing.
Our thinking was the Chargers would win. Next week we were going to take the Colts over them. And then we were going to pray that the Vikings ended up in the Super Bowl. Those were are our only teams left. Well, we could have played the Jets over the Chargers -- but that never entered our mind.
Posted by Pit Master at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Ha Ha...
Very funny, indeed. But have they no grammatical clue?!? The
guy's adulterer's name is Woods, not Wood. Hello?!?
Posted by Pit Master at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Her turn to shine...
We are no stranger to posting the athletic exploits of The Playmaker. But today we want to sing the athletic praises of The Playmaker's Sister. On her 11th birthday, she recorded a career high 8 points in her basketball game this morning. She exploded for 6 of those points in the second quarter. One was a driving layup in which she got hacked but still managed to convert. (She missed the free throw attempt.)
So, Happy Birthday and congrats on the best game of your young career.
***(Don't worry. There will be a Playmaker Update tomorrow.)
UPDATE: We forgot to add that The Playmaker's Sister is having six friends sleep-over tonight to eat pizza and watch DVDs. Ugh! Just kidding. Maybe not...
Posted by Pit Master at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 15, 2010
RCM 2 the rescue!
After trying unsuccessfully on our own for over two weeks to get the home office wired for WiFi, we called in The Big Gun.
RCM, in the area for a short time, came over this afternoon. Nearly three hours later, all of the numerous issues were resolved and we are now wireless.
So a big Shout Out to him for his time and effort!
Posted by Pit Master at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
No one saw this coming. Looking back, someone should have connected the dots. Southern Cal loses cool Coach Pete. Who the hell could ever fill that guy's shoes?!?
Lane Kiffin, of course.
Kiffin does things differently than everyone else. He's a new breed of college coach. He Twitters. He Facebooks. His wife is gorgeous. His motto is, If you ain't almost cheating, then you ain't working hard enough.
Why send an old man to recruit a high school stud when you can send two smoking hot college girls?!?
Kiffin is the perfect guy to replace Coach Pete.
So it's good bye Tennessee and hello Southern Cal. So long, Southern Belles and BBQ. Hello, Crips and Bloods.
He is already getting face-kicked all over the place by the media. Some have questioned his actual coaching credentials (5-15 with the Oakland Raiders and 7-7 at Tennessee). Everyone is calling him a whore because he was in Knoxville barely a year.
But ask yourself this: Where would you rather coach? In the SEC with the likes of Florida and Alabama, as well as about 20 other schools with top notch facilities? Or USC, where you turn down more 4 star recruits than most teams actually sign? Who scares you in the Pac 10? Oregon? Some years, yes. Beyond that? With all due respect to the Arizonas and Stanfords of the world -- there's not much to keep you awake at night.
Unless the NCAA Feds swoop into town and actually kick the sheeeet out of the program, Kiffin will keep Coach Pete's dynasty up and running with no problems at all. He's got Dad to run the D. (And Pops will be the smartest guy in the Pac 10). He's bringing Ed Orgeron, widely hailed as the top recruiter in the land, along with him. And there are even rumors that he is hoping to get Norm Chow back back from UCLA.
If that happens -- anyone not named Florida, Alabama and Texas is screwed. Dad will coach the D. Chow will murder foes with his X's & O's.
And what will Lane Kiffin do? He'll take his cool and hip self, along with his trophy wife Layla, and he will recruit like a MOFO.
Southern Cal won't even miss a beat.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:41 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Joe & Joe both blow...
We never liked Joe Theismann as an announcer. He always talked way too much. And when he did, he did so with a tone of I am so much smarter than you or anyone else.
We barely remember Joe Gibbs doing some studio work in the '80s. His voice was terrible and he spoke in a monotone voice. We think he once fell asleep while talking. If not, we know we sure did.
So it was on Saturday that NBC came up with the brilliant idea to pair the two together for the Browns - Jets game. It was, perhaps, the worst announcing team (they were teamed with Golden Domer Tom Hammond) in recent memory. The only time Theismann shut his mouth was to try to get his old coach to say something, anything.
With under five minutes in the game, the Bengals had the ball and trailed the Jets, 24-14.
Theismann: "Coach, is this four down territory?"
Now, what Gibbs should have said was: "You frigging idiot! Of course it's four down territory! You are down by 10 points in the playoffs with less than five minutes in the game. Are you effing stupid?!?
Instead, Gibbs said: "Yes, this is four down territory."
Wow. Such riveting commentary.
Posted by Pit Master at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 10, 2010
College football is officially over for the next seven months.
Posted by Pit Master at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 9, 2010
And so it begins...
The Bucks opened their official season today with a 24-20 victory. The Playmaker led the way with 12 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists and 2 blocks. He hit his first five shots of the game and shot 6-10 overall. The Bucks sprinted out to a 14 - 4 lead before getting selfish on O and lazy on D -- which led to a stern 90 second tongue lashing on the sidelines from the Head Ball Coach. Order was restored and the kids got the W.
Posted by Pit Master at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 8, 2010
It's all about the coaching...
Too tired to comment completely on last night's less than stellar championship game. It was poorly played and poorly coached. And if we're a Texas fan, we'd probably have closed the garage, turned on the car and gassed ourselves this morning. (We were concerned that Herbie might do that after the game. The game in which he spent nearly four hours talking about Texas and cheering them on. He's the smartest man covering college football, but we lost a lot of respect for him last night as he was so biased for the Longhorns it was disgusting.)
So as we wait for Coach Pete to leave Southern Cal (just ahead of the feds, no doubt), we will leave you with something perhaps he and only few others can relate to. On the eve of The Playmaker's first basketball game of the season, we feel it is appropriate to release our fall coaching record for football and soccer.
19-1-1. Seriously. 19-1-1.
Of course, it's not our style to brag.
Happy Friday Night.
Posted by Pit Master at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Dolt McCant...
Alabama 21 - Texas 14 Originally, in our two pools, we went with the Crimson Tide, 24-17. Upon further inspection, however, we don't think it will be that high scoring. So we have scaled back our point total just a bit. Alabama has Heisman winner Mark Ingram by land and future Pro Bowler Julio
Franco Jones by air. Plus, they have a simply kick-ass D. Texas has but the passing combo of Colt "I have zero Heismans" McCoy and his "special friend" Jordan Shipley. Alabama will counter that with Nick Saban's brains, along with BFF Bob Stoops, who spent several days in Tuscaloosa showing the Tide how to give Texas a beat-down. All that, plus the fact that the Longhorns struggled against good defenses in Oklahoma and Nebraska, will spell National Title for Alabama.
Roll Tide!
Posted by Pit Master at 4:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Brent NFL Suicide Pool...
For the past six weeks we have been one of two players left in the $400 pool. Ironically, both of us guessed wrong on the Broncos in weeks 15 and 17. So after 17 weeks we head into the playoffs waiting for one of us to blink first. You can only pick a team twice, so of the 12 playoff teams, the Patriots, Saints and Ravens are officially off the board for us. On the other hand, the Cardinals, Eagles, Jets and Bengals can still be picked twice. (As if any of them would ever win twice during the tournament.) That leaves the Packers, Cowboys, Colts, Vikings and Chargers as teams we can pick once in the playoffs. At this point, it's very tempting to take the Bengals over the Jets, save the Cowboys possibly for later and not even mess around with the Cardinals, Eagles or Packers this weekend. Still, picking the Bengals in a playoff game is downright dicey. So that leaves us leaning towards taking the Cowboys (for our final time) over the Eagles.
Posted by Pit Master at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Dickens: "Scrooge took his melancholy dinner in his usual melancholy tavern; and having read all the newspapers, and beguiled the rest of the evening with his banker's-book, went home to bed...He decided he would honour Christmas in his heart, and try to keep it all the year."
Posted by Pit Master at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 3, 2010
It's been snowing for THREE days...
The year ended with snow. And the New Year started with snow. Snow that has lasted for three days. Surely that is a sign that twenty-ten will be a great year for all.
The snow started New Year's Eve.
Which meant, of course, a continuous fire for 72 hours.
This morning.
Posted by Pit Master at 10:57 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Andrew 22, version 5.0* (*First one of these in over a year)
This is the fifth edition of the column, which is a blatant rip-off of (1) Pat Forde's "40 Yard Dash" column that he pens during the college football season. (He also does a college basketball one, but it is his pigskin one that coaches, players and fans anxiously wait for each week.) Of course, our version comes with a twist. Instead of 40 things pertaining to college football (Forde's runs the gamut from coaches and players to cheerleaders and college bars), ours is 22 things pertaining to...well, whatever is on our mind at the time. As for the name of the column? It honors (2) Andrew Toney, the single greatest under-6'4"-offensive-threat in history of the NBA.

(22) Happy New Year.
Posted by Pit Master at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Year's Resolutions...
This is basically the same set we've used for at least the last two years. Not sure what that says about us, but here they are...
1. Be a better father, husband, coach and teacher.
2. Keep the home office clean and organized.
3. Get the weight below the Mendoza Line of 200 and keep it there.
Posted by Pit Master at 11:48 PM 0 comments