Wednesday, July 1, 2009

An early one...

We will be spending most of the day in the home office, as we continue to sort, purge, recycle and file. A few quick hitters:

1. It's 7 AM and we are guzzling an icy cold beer Diet Pepsi. It's our first one in seven days. During the School Day, we are good for 2-3 on average. Since school got out, however, we have been going with ice water. But as tomorrow's weigh-in looms, the Diet Pepsi was needed.

2. Speaking of the weigh-in, we have done an extra mile Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and today -- and still we are not confident about tomorrow's results.

3. Red Sox up 10-1 and lose 11-10?!? When did they stock their bullpen with a bunch of Ryan Madsons?!?

4. We absolutely love the cool, cloudy, often-drizzly weather we've been having for the past month. Is this what it's like to live in Seattle?!?

5. How great does this sound? NFL teams will be starting training camp this month! This month!

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