Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wi-Fi, 12.1 -- A shark fin and two hole in ones...

Went shopping on 96th Street after lunch, where we promptly split up along gender lines. The Wife took The Playmaker's Sister into jewelry, bead and clothing stores. Meanwhile, we took The Playmaker to Pete Smith's Surf Shop so we could get a new watch. (The one we have worn in The Basement for the past five summers finally crapped out on us yesterday.) We decided upon the Freestyle Shark model (for $59.99). It is navy blue with a black shark fin, digital, with an alarm and two separate stop watches. Oh, and it can go under water up to 100 meters. (We are guessing that will be deep enough for us...)

After that, we went over to Club 18 for a round of miniature golf. Trying our hardest, we shot a two under par 39 -- while knocking down two hole in ones. The Playmaker gave a valiant effort and ended up with a 42.

1 comment:

Freestyle U.S.A. said...

Thanks for choosing freestyle! Send us a message at with your address and t-shirt size and we'll hook you up with a Free T-shirt!