Things don't always go as planned. Sad but true.
Take yesterday, for example.
When we last met, we were on our way to Mr. D's house for coffee and egg whites. Problem is, errr, was, that we were operating on about 4 hours sleep (long story). So we texted The Man and told him we would see him later that night for the BIG high school tournament game the locals were in. A few minutes later he texted back and said he would pick us up for the game around 5. (Dude travels in a suh-weet Lexus SUV.) And with that we went back to bed for 2 hours.
Fast forward to The Playmaker's 12:30 basketball game. The Bucks throttled another opponent. The score was 50-12. (Repeat: 50-12!) And no, we did not run up the score. We were missing one of our 10 players, yet we never double shifted The Playmaker or our second best player. Plus, after about 15 minutes we made our kids pass the ball three times before shooting. The Playmaker notched his second double-double of the season. He went for 12 and 12 (6-10 shooting) and handed out 4 assists. We are now 7-0 on the season.
The second part of our day did not come off as well. Actually, it did not come off well at all. Our Town HS Basketball Team lost its tournament game, 74-70. They had a 5 point lead 6 to play and could not hold on. We sat with Mr. D. (We piled The Playmaker, The Playmaker's Sister and her friend into the back of the Lexus.) Confession time. Mr. D and The Star Player's Dad (introduced in last week's post titled The torch will one day be passed ... "In about 10 years this sheeet will all be yours, and you'll be the one standing here in my shoes." ) are the same person. When the game was over, he looked physically wiped. He stood for a long time and applauded his son and the team. Then he made his way down to the court where he found his boy and wrapped him up in a bear hug. The Son cried into his father's arms for close to 20 seconds before he joined the handshake line. The Star Player's Dad talked to a few of the other parents on the team before making his way back to us. "Let's get the hell outta here," he said quietly.
We envisioned a silent (and somber) ride home. Even the three kids realized the situation and did not not make a peep as we walked back to the car. Once on the road, however, Mr. D asked about getting some dinner. We assumed he was just being polite. Surely he would want to get home and be with his wife (she had travelled to the game with other neighbors) as they awaited the return of their son. We pointed out it was past the kids' bedtime. (It was past 9 at this point.) The Man asked The Playmaker, "Your mom's at a party, right?" (Our wife was attending a party at the home of a co-worker.)
"Yep," said our son.
"What time do you think she will be home?"
"Probably late."
"So then she'll never know that you went to bed late, right?"
"Yep," said our son.
Mr. D laughed. The Playmaker laughed. The girls laughed. Finally, we laughed, too.
Twenty minutes later we were picking up Chinese food. We headed back to Mr. D's house. Mrs. D was already there when we walked in. She was drinking a glass of wine. It was obvious she had been crying. She patted The Playmaker on the head and gave us a hug. We introduced the girls to her. Then she disappeared into the kitchen with the food. Mr. D went and got juice boxes for the kids and beers for each of us. We all sat on the floor of the family room and ate. No one talked about the game. Instead, The Man asked The Playmaker about his game. "We won, 50-12," was all he said. "Holy cow!" screamed Mr. D before we quickly interjected that The Playmaker had bagged a double-double, 12 and 12. The Star Player's Dad took a long drag of his beer and said simply, "Well done. Very well done." He finished his beer and looked at the three kids. He told them how there would come a day when they were all in high school and playing in a Big Game. "Enjoy the moment," he said. "Because it will end quickly." We're pretty sure the meaning of his lecture was lost on the kids. In fact, we got the feeling he was saying it more for his own benefit.
There was an awkward silence that followed. It quickly ended when Mr. D asked, "How about some more food? And another beer for the dads." Another round of eating and drinking ensued. The TV eventually was turned on. The Man asked Michael what he wanted to watch. Syracuse and Villanova was his answer. Mr. D looked over at us and smiled. "That's awesome." Eventually we asked where The Son was. Mrs. D said, "He and some of the guys on the team are having a sleepover at a player's house. I think they need to do some venting." She left the room. Mr. D quickly looked over at us and said quietly, "This will be their venting." He cocked his arm in the ever familiar drinking pose. And then he gave us a wink.
It was our turn to say, "That's awesome."
We clinked beer bottles and watched the game on TV.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
A somber game followed by a friendly night...
Posted by Pit Master at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Time to man-up...
Back from a pre-dawn run in the snow. Listened to 10 Years the whole time. Going to go clean up and then meet Mr. D, Our New Best Friend, for some coffee. (His wife will probably whip up some egg whites, too.) We'll lay down some Old School Stories. (Who's Cre and where's Co?!?) Then we'll just sit and listen to The Man.
Big Day today! Big EFFING day today!
Posted by Pit Master at 6:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The torch will one day be passed...
We took The Playmaker to watch our local high school basketball team play in the state tournament last night. They won easily, but the interesting part came before the game even began.
We walked into the gym and immediately saw the dad of the best player on the team. His family lives on our street and we periodically stop and talk when we see each other. (He likes to stop by when he sees us shooting hoops in the driveway.) We were making polite chit-chat last night when we noticed that for every five people who walked by, three or four would stop and address the guy. Some stopped and chatted. Some slapped him on the back and kept on walking. Others went with a simple handshake. Good gawd, one guy even gave him the ever-awkward Man Hug. The one where you shake with the right hand and half-hug with the left arm.
The Star Player's Dad was the center of attention in the gym.
BMOC, baby! All Eyez on Me!
During a break in this social scene, we leaned over to the man and said, "Geeze-us, you're like the effing godfather around here."
He smiled at us and chuckled. Then he nodded to The Playmaker and quietly spoke into our ear so no one else could hear. "In about 10 years this sheeet will all be yours, and you'll be the one standing here in my shoes."
Amen to that.
Posted by Pit Master at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
B-Westbrook, ex-Eagle...
It was no surprise that the Eagles released Brian Westbrook today. He had one year left on his contract, one where he was owed around $8 mill next season. And he was due a roster bonus of about $3 mill March 1. Given the injuries he has battled the last two years, there was no way the Eagles could give him that type of money. Having suffered two concussions in a one month span last season, it's doubtful anyone else will risk anything other than short money on him in a 1 year deal. Which means there's a good chance he will retire. This video is fantastic. (So is the song.) It reminds us that for two or three years B-Westbrook was the best running back in the league. And he was always a class guy. We will miss him.
Posted by Pit Master at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Hey, coach! You SUCK!
We don't mind losing when we coach. Really, we don't. As long as our kids play hard, play smart and have fun, we're OK with whatever outcome the end brings. Actually, there is one exception. We loathe losing to coaches who are A-holes.
So far this year our collective coaching record for soccer, football and basketball is 25-1-1. When we win, we try not to make a big deal about it.
Five weeks ago, during a lopsided W, we were making small talk with the other coach. He mentioned that the week prior he had played against a team that "looked like they had played together for years." He also mentioned that the team played in a competitive league against other towns at a local sports facility. "They run plays and stuff," he said in awe.
After the game we went home and figured out what team the coach was talking about. We circled the date of our game with them. February 20. We did not fear the match-up. In fact, we embraced it. After weeks of rolling up on over-matched teams, we wanted to see how we would do against a formidable foe.
Four days ago, however, the sheeet hit the fan. Three parents e-mailed us and said their kids would not be at the game. Unfortunately, the three players were the 2nd, 3rd and 5th best players on our 10 man team.
And so it was yesterday when we walked into the gym. We had no expectation of winning.
They scored first their first time down the court.
They were a good team. They had two good players, including the coach's son who played the point. After The Playmaker, he was the best player we've seen all season.
And this is where things got interesting. The other team had just six players. The subbing should have been easy. Playing approximately five minute shifts, we probably subbed 10 times during the game. Guess how many times the coach's son came out?
If your answer was less than 1...BINGO. ..we have a winner! Zero times!
Let's continue.
Playing the entire game, the coach let his son dribble the ball down court EVERY single possession, except for the final two of the game. (As usual, we had a different player dribble the ball up every possession. To let the coach know he was a douche bag, we would call out the player's name whose turn it was and then add, "Everyone gets a chance to dribble with the Bucks!")
Let's continue (again). Back to the aforementioned last two possessions of the game, when the coach actually let someone other than his kid dribble. On those two possessions, while another kid dribbled, he ran his son off of a DOUBLE PICK to free him for the final two shots.
Oh. We forgot to mention that setting picks in the 1st/2nd grade league is effing ILLEGAL.
So to summarize:
*The coach played his star player/own kid the ENTIRE game.
*The coach let only his star player/own kid dribble the ball up the court for 99 percent of the game.
*The coach ran illegal picks on nearly every possession.
*Every one of our seven players got to bring the ball up the court multiple times.
*We were missing our 2nd best player, as well as two other good players.
*Their team had blown out all of its previous opponents.
Add all those things together, and we won 30-24. And we did it Playing The Right Way.
The Playmaker scored 14 points on 7-13 shooting. He also had 3 assists, 6 rebounds and 3 blocks. And he guarded the coach's son, which meant he worked harder on D than on the offensive end. Every time down he had to fight through and around picks. He never once bitched or complained. In fact, the coach's son was the baby who was bitching. After one layup, he ran by us and said matter of factly, "Your player fouled me."
Our response?!?
We looked him straight in the eye and said, "You travelled first."
Posted by Pit Master at 3:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Success, finally...
This YouTube mess, where videos wouldn't play on website via our desktop, drove us crazy for almost two weeks. The infuriating thing was that when we used Google Chrome as our web browser (instead of Internet Explorer), the videos were fine. And when we used our laptop (via Wi-Fi), the videos on the blog were fine using IE. At first we thought it was a Blogger (the site that houses this and millions of other blogs) issue. We went to the community help site and found that many other Blogger blogs were also having video issues. ***But then, why were we able to view the videos on the laptop?!? We traced the problem back to a Windows update two weeks ago. It was then that our video problems started on the desktop. We did countless searches looking for answers. And we waited for Blogger to solve the bug.
Low and behold it wasn't an IE or Blogger issue.
We woke up in the middle of last night and started going over the situation in our mind. (Feel free to call us a LOSER.) While we were quick to go to the Blogger help site, we had failed to even consider going to the YouTube help site. This morning we did. And it advised us to download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.
We did. And now the problem has been solved. Woo-Woo!
So for anyone who has been (or is) unable to view YouTube videos on this blog, simply go to Adobe and download the latest version of Flash Player. Click here for the link. You'll be all set in less than 3 minutes. (And then you can see Obese try to wipe off Drew Brees' birthmark.)
Posted by Pit Master at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Ummm, NO!
Tony Kornheiser hit on this recently, so we are just piling on. Hannah Storm looks just silly here. Not sure what look she's going for. The slutty/hot one, we guess. But it doesn't work. Not in the least. We wouldn't call her unattractive, not for a 47 year old. But this look must go.
Posted by Pit Master at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Injury report
It's not even 9:30 AM yet and we have sustained an injury. No, it didn't occur during our cold pre-dawn run this morning. Nor did it happen after the run when we walked the dog.
It happened doing something we have never (ever!) done before.
We injured our thumb...wait for it...playing the Wii.
For Christmas, Santa brought the Wii for us the kids. Nearly two months later, we finally played it today. The Playmaker got Backyard Football 2010 this week. An hour ago, he taught us how to play. Then we picked our seven player team (Tom Brady, Chris Johnson, Brian Urlacher, Mario Williams, AJ Hawk, The Playmaker himself -- we made him, and one more player whose name we don't remember).
The Playmaker gets 45 minutes a day during vacation to play the Wii. All of those minutes this week have gone into playing Backyard Football. And yet, we somehow had the lead, 21-20, with 2 seconds left on the clock. We went with our base D (four DBs playing cover two) that had worked so well for most of the game. We were pretty sure he was going to go to Calvin Johnson in the end zone, so we rotated our safety (who was, ironically, The Playmaker) to his side.
And what did the real life Playmaker do?!?
He hit Adrian Peterson on a crossing pattern underneath coverage and went 21 yards into the end zone for the winning score on the last play of the game.
The Playmaker 27
Us 21
And now we have a sore thumb from using the controller or nunchuck or whatever-the-hell-you-call-it-thing.
Posted by Pit Master at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Went to a wake today. A 45-year old mom in town died last weekend. We have coached her 11-year old daughter in basketball and soccer for several years. Very sad, obviously. It's a cliche, of course, but something like this puts things in perspective. Go home and hug the kids and your wife or husband. Tell 'em you love them.
Posted by Pit Master at 5:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Well, whataya know?!?
Just finished snow-blowing the driveway. We got about 4 1/2 inches. Guess the weathermen do occasionally make accurate predictions.
Posted by Pit Master at 5:57 PM 0 comments
The videos are snow good...
For about a week now any YouTube videos shown here have failed to work. However, the weird thing is when we use/view Blogger in Google Chrome they are completely fine. Obviously that led us to believe it was, wait for issue with Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Yet after doing some digging on the Blogger help site, it appears tons of other peeps are having the same issues with non-working videos; yet no one mentions anything about it being a Microsoft vs. Google issue. Regardless, we obviously will not be uploading any more YouTube videos until the kinks are worked out.
Posted by Pit Master at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Snow update...
The snow is coming down at a good clip right now. It is supposed to continue into the evening commute. (Which means, obviously, we have already sent numerous texts, IMs and voice mails to The Mrs. telling her to cut out early this afternoon.) The Playmaker did his two hour baseball clinic this morning. The stations were: hitting off the tee, hitting in the cage off live pitching, infield ground balls and catching fly balls launched out of the JUGS machine. The highlight for The Playmaker was when he stung a line drive that hit the far end of the cage in the air. The coach yelled, "That's the furthest ball we've had all day! Who taught you to hit, Chase Utley?!?" (The Playmaker was, of course, wearing his your name Phillies authentic jersey.) Needless to say, the whole thing was captured on our 1080i HD video camera.
Posted by Pit Master at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Run + Snow = :-)
We dare say it's snowing harder right now than at any time during the day of last week's "12-16 inch blizzard." We are supposed to get 4-6 out of this one. Who knows?!? As stated before, we have zero confidence in meteorologists. Anyway, the elliptical is on the DL (awaiting parts and a tech to install them -- amen to extended warranties). So we have started running outside for the first time since our two week stint in The Basement way back in August. The knees are tender and the quads are on fire. But there is something about running that is more fulfilling than the elliptical. And running in a pre-dawn snowstorm was simply fun. Check back later as our goal is to post six times today. We'll see...
Posted by Pit Master at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
School vacation, 1.0
1. Took the dog for a 1.5 mile walk around 6 AM this morning. Saw a deer in a neighbor's backyard. Dog and deer did a Mexican standoff. Both froze and stared at each other.
2. Went shopping in search of Backyard Football for The Playmaker's Sister's Nintendo DS. The Playmaker lost the football game a few months ago. (Easy to do, given its one square inch size.) We struck out at three different stores before ending up getting the same game for the Wii.
3. After lunch we made a good fire and all did some reading. We read a great article in Wired. (We will detail it sometime this week.)
4. In preparation for The Playmaker's two hour baseball clinic tomorrow morning, we took about 45 minutes of BP in the driveway in the late afternoon.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 14, 2010
How dumb can you be?!?
We loathe Obese Winfrey. Always have. We think she's a phony. She's sexist. And she often proves herself to be clueless. Watch below as she welcomes Drew Brees. She sees the birthmark on his face and she mistakes it for lipstick! She asks who kissed him and then tries to wipe off the mark. What an idiot. But was El Deano always said, "No big secret. No big surprise."
Posted by Pit Master at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
The return...
Well, the week of being a bachelor is almost over. We took the wife and kids to the airport on Super Bowl Sunday. Tomorrow morning we will go and retrieve them. The week was quiet. It was productive (the home office is spotless). It was relaxing. We ate well -- runny scrambled egg sandwiches, roast beef, pulled pork and brisket. We had dinner with Our Dad one night. We made a couple of fires. And we even got a snow day school cancellation. But we must admit that we are now in the Jim Walsh stage of the man-dog-cation: We are ready for our family to come home. (And having next week off makes it even better.)
Posted by Pit Master at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Day after the snowstorm that wasn't...
Boner, noun - a foolish and obvious blunder.
Posted by Pit Master at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Where are the 8-12 inches?!?
Um, tell us again when the storm is coming?!?
Good news, though. Notice anything different on the blog?!?
Posted by Pit Master at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Man-dog-cation, Day 3
Well, last night they ended up cancelling school for today. At that point, we were looking at 12-16 inches of snow coming our way. (Of course, by this morning, that had been down graded to 8-12 inches -- and we could have easily and safely stuck to the original early dismissal plan.)
Anyway, here is a quick video of our fire, as well as the start of the storm (about 11:45 AM). More updates later.
Posted by Pit Master at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Man-dog-cation, Day 2
The Bed -- Um, we must admit that we didn't make it yesterday. Perhaps, then, it was not a coincidence when we woke up at 5 this morning to discover the sheet was totally off the bed and the comforter was nearly off, too. We decided today to make the bed.
The Weather -- Got the text around 3:30 today that school will be getting dismissed at 10:30 tomorrow due to the pending blizzard. Our reaction?!? Suh-weet! We'll be home in front of the fire place by 11:30.
The Home Office -- Continued to make progress today. With tomorrow's half (quarter?!?) day, we will (hopefully) meet our goal of being totally done with the cleaning/re-organizing before Thursday.
The DVR -- We cleaned the office while watching 90210 (Dylan and Brenda sneak off to Baha Baja), The Office (the booze cruise one), Fullcourt with Seth Davis (first time we ever watched it...great show) and Friends (the one where Ross goes on Spring Break with his student/girl friend).
The Dinner -- Runny scrambled eggs, sausage and homemade hash browns.
Posted by Pit Master at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
Man-dog-cation, Day 1
1. Came home from school and watched Men of a Certain Age and two re-runs of Modern Family while going through one huge pile of old cooking/computer/sports magazines. (The goal is to get all the sheeet out of the home office before Thursday.)
2. Dinner = pulling a Bill Simmons and meeting Our Dad for dinner at his favorite haunt -- Outback Steakhouse. We went healthy and had grilled salmon and a salad.
3. Now, we are set to return to the TV and another pile of crap to sort through.
4. Oh, yes, we talked to The Fam no fewer than four times today. The Playmaker was pumped because they went to the Phillies' spring training facility. Someone working there let him wear her World Series ring and she gave him several official baseballs. Then they went to the clubhouse store and he got a new backpack and a hat. After that they went swimming in the afternoon.
Posted by Pit Master at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Jim Nantz is a dolt...
Did he watch any NFC football this year? In the first quarter he called Reggie Bush, "Bish" and in the second he referred to Garrett Hartley as, "Harley."
Posted by Pit Master at 7:52 PM 0 comments
And so it begins...
Put The Fam on a plane headed for Clearwater, Florida around lunch time today. And the plane just landed safe and sound. (We went Jack Bauer and tracked it on-line the whole way.) So for the next week, it's just the dog and us. The Man/Dogcation has begun...
Posted by Pit Master at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Bucks 30 Lakers 14
We rolled up on another team today, soundly defeating the Lakers 30-14. The Playmaker had a good shooting day (8-14) on the way to 16 points. He also had 4 rebounds and 3 assists. The win puts us at 5-0.
Posted by Pit Master at 2:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
Friday Night Thoughts...
Just wrapped up a busy week, as the kids had quizzes or tests Tuesday through today ... On top of that, The Playmaker had his big oral presentation on Ben Franklin today -- complete with a homemade kite ... The Playmaker's Sister received grades ranging from 93 percent all the way to 100 percent ... The Playmaker received perfect scores on his spelling test (including challenge words) and his continents & oceans quiz ... To celebrate their hard work (and success), we took them to the book store today ... She got the new 39 Clues book, as well as the new Percy Jackson book ... He got two Dan Gutman My Weird School books ... 24 always starts off slowly, but we are starting to worry about this season ... This is without-a-doubt the weakest offensive Louisville team Rick Pitino has ever fielded ... It reminds us of what Bill Cosby used to say about the vintage Temple teams: You shoot as if the basket is moving ... We confess to still watching the old school 90210s ... The new series is total C-R-A-P, but the original one is simply the best ... The Guru says the key to staying healthy in the winter is The Nose (seriously, he did) -- so we now swab our nostrils with alcohol every day ... And since we have gone 7+ days sans red meat, we currently have two inch-and-a-half thick Rib eyes on the grill ... Happy Friday!
Posted by Pit Master at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Tres interesting...
If The Hype is to be believed, there IS, in fact, someone out there who is a better athlete than The Playmaker. His name is David Sills and he is 13. He hails from Delaware, of all places. (Which means The Playmaker can bust some heads with him in late summer.) And recently he picked his
high school COLLEGE.
Posted by Pit Master at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Day After...
Back in the day, it was actually hard to follow college football (and basketball) recruiting. You had about five subscription newsletters from which to pick. The first one we got was Max Emfinger's. He was in Texas back then, and since most Sooners hailed from Texas, we figured he was the guy to follow. As far as signing day, well, SportsCenter would spend maybe two minutes toward the end of the show talking about where the top players had signed.
After that, we had to wait until the following day when USA Today came out. The sports section always devoted multiple pages to signing day coverage. The centerfold was a team-by-team list of signed players from all the D-One conferences. To us, The Day After was pure joy. All seven four years of college, we treated the day like a damn holiday. We would get up early, shower and hop in the station wagon and drive to 7-11 and buy two copies of USA Today. Then we headed over to McDonald's for a huge breakfast. We would sit way in the back and spread out the centerfold and devour the list of Oklahoma signees. We didn't move from the table for well over 90 minutes. When we were done, we drove back to the dorm or apartment and dragged out the newsletters to research the players that had signed. Actually going on campus to attend classes that day was never an option. When the day wound down, there was a feeling of contentment. OU had re-stocked the kitchen with fresh groceries. (And, yes, we returned to classes the next day. But we brought with us a list of next year's top high school players.)
Now you can get more info on players than you could possibly ever want -- and you can get it in seconds. But deep down inside, a part of us misses the days of devoting an entire day to the newspaper to get the latest scoop on recruiting.
Posted by Pit Master at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
We are busy watching ESPNU's marathon coverage of National Signing Day.
It reminds us that we once got a recruiting letter from Bates as a high senior. Alas, once they got our transcripts, it was Sayonara, Baby!
Posted by Pit Master at 6:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Four on the floor...
1. We were first and we were right! Reports continue to saturate the Internet about the disappointment of Apple's new iPad. And people are bitching about the same things we bitched about last week. It's bastard size (roughly 8x10) makes it just as cumbersome as lugging around a laptop. If the damn thing doesn't fit in your pocket, what's the point. (Is that an Apple in your pocket or are you happy to see me?!?)
Posted by Pit Master at 5:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
Bucks 38 Magic 18
We improved to 4-0 on Saturday. The Playmaker had a sub par shooting day (5-12 from the field) on his way to 10 points. He was a MAN on the glass, however. He came up with 14 rebounds. He also handed out 3 assists and had 2 blocks.
Posted by Pit Master at 4:57 PM 0 comments