Thursday, February 25, 2010

The torch will one day be passed...

We took The Playmaker to watch our local high school basketball team play in the state tournament last night. They won easily, but the interesting part came before the game even began.

We walked into the gym and immediately saw the dad of the best player on the team. His family lives on our street and we periodically stop and talk when we see each other. (He likes to stop by when he sees us shooting hoops in the driveway.) We were making polite chit-chat last night when we noticed that for every five people who walked by, three or four would stop and address the guy. Some stopped and chatted. Some slapped him on the back and kept on walking. Others went with a simple handshake. Good gawd, one guy even gave him the ever-awkward Man Hug. The one where you shake with the right hand and half-hug with the left arm.

The Star Player's Dad was the center of attention in the gym.

BMOC, baby! All Eyez on Me!

During a break in this social scene, we leaned over to the man and said, "Geeze-us, you're like the effing godfather around here."

He smiled at us and chuckled. Then he nodded to The Playmaker and quietly spoke into our ear so no one else could hear. "In about 10 years this sheeet will all be yours, and you'll be the one standing here in my shoes."

Amen to that.

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