Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wendi Nix -- yes or no?!?

As Turkey Day approaches, so does our Man Summit with SJH24 (and others?!?) on Thanksgiving Saturday. (It's always comical when we tell our two basketball teams the week before that we will not be having Thanksgiving Saturday practice. Why? Are you going away for Thanksgiving?!? Ah, no. We are just, quote-unquote B-U-S-Y!)

Anywho ... last year's summit included an in-depth discussion on one Wendi Nix. If memory serves us correctly (seldom does these days, plus, at last year's summit, in the words of Johnny Damon, "Perhaps, drinking was involved...") last year we said Nea, while SJH24 said, Yea.

Perhaps we will re-evaluate after seeing this pic.

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