Friday, May 6, 2011

West coast road trip

When we realized the schedule, The Playmaker jokingly said, "It's like a west coast road trip."

And that's what it felt like. Five baseball or lacrosse games in five days.

Saturday, April 30 Cubs 6 Angels 1 Short and sweet: We had one hit. The opposing coach was a Dick Weed.

Sunday, May 1 We won in lacrosse, 9-1. The Playmaker played defense, where he plugged the hole, as well as protected the cage. (Later that day, The Playmaker's Sister had her game, where she scored the game winning goal.)

Monday, May 2 Phillies 2 Angels 2 This game, we actually had two hits. Amazingly, we were ahead 2-0 with two outs and no one on in the last inning. Of course, that means we ended up tying (despite playing an extra inning), 2-2.

Tuesday, May 3 Another lacrosse win, 7-1. The Playmaker scored the first goal of the game.

Wednesday, May 4 STOP THE PRESSES! THE ANGELS WON A GAME! We beat the A's, 7-1 (to put our record at 1-2-1). This is a transitional year for the kids in baseball, as they do all the pitching. And the umps are 12-year olds. All of which means they seldom get good pitches to hit, and the basic rule of thumb is if the catcher catches the ball, it must surely be a strike. (We damn-near punched the ump in the face during Monday's game when he called The Playmaker out on a called third strike IN THE DIRT with two outs and the bases loaded.) Anyway, several Angels got hits this game, including The Playmaker, who singled to right field to drive in a run.

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