Off to soccer and then field hockey practice. Summer?!?
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Power back!!!
Came on this morning at exactly 6:19 AM. We promptly emptied out the entire refrigerator (and freezer) because, as luck would have it, today is trash day. Went to school to set up our room and then emptied our wallet replenishing the fridge.
Posted by Pit Master at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 29, 2011
Dear National Grid: Eff you!!!
Still no power. National Grid sucks. They are destined to burn in hell.
Posted by Pit Master at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Best we can do...
Wanted to post before we lose power. Classic everyone now thinks the Detroit Lions are all that. And Blogger seems to be having problems. In the past 24 hours, the complete page to this blog has had trouble loading (specifically the sidebar -- where the Real Time and Twitter updates are). Hopefully they will get it fixed soon. Stay safe.
Posted by Pit Master at 12:11 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Three & out...
2. Um, there are better (much better) ways to get revenge! NBA scrub Javaris Crittenton has been charged with the murder of a 22-year old woman. Newspaper reports state that police feel the intended target was another person who was walking next to the deceased. Police also feel the motive was retaliation for an April robbery in which Crittenton was the victim. Memo to Javaris: There are countless other ways to revenge on a person. Take a baseball bat and smash the windows of their car. Better yet, dump buckets of paint on their car or house. Paint in GIANT letters "YOU EFFING SUCK" on their garage door. And here's a really good one. Go tell the police the identity of the thief. Crittenton, infamous for his lockerrom gun fight with Gilbert Arenas, is a clear L-O-S-E-R. And he just threw away his NBA career.
3. Di$count at Macy'$! Lest we think the college football scandals are exclusive to the Big Time Schools, Tulsa (Tulsa!) receiver/kick returner Damaris Johnson (the NCAA's all purpose yardage record holder) got suspended yesterday. His alleged crime?!? His is accused of getting nearly $3,000 worth of merchandise from Macy's for ... wait for it ... $13.34. How did that work?!? His girlfriend worked at the cash register at Macy's. Now that's frigging classic.
Posted by Pit Master at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Hurricane Irene
With Irene roughly 2 1/2 days away, the surf today was the roughest it's been in our 13 days down here. We spent 45 minutes in the water this morning and landed on the sand completely exhausted. The waves were fast and furious. Best day yet for boogie boarding and body surfing.
That's it for now. Back tomorrow. Stay healthy. Be safe.
Posted by Pit Master at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Best we can do -- Basement style...
Great beach day. Sunny. Cool air. Warm water.
That's it for now. Back tomorrow. Stay healthy. Be safe.
Posted by Pit Master at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
That's it for now. Back tomorrow. Stay healthy. Be safe.
Posted by Pit Master at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Four from down the shore...
1. Best time yet! This morning we shaved 21 seconds off our best running time (and a 1:27 of our initial time last Sunday).
2. Phillie Phanatic in The Basement! Drove down to 79th Street and took the kids to see the Phillie Phanatic this afternoon. He was great with The Playmaker and The Playmaker's Sister. Took tons of pictures.
3. Awesome dinner last night! Went to Avalon Deli. Chicken cheesesteak was fantastic. And gladly polished off the end of The Wife's cheesesteak.
4. Unplugged! Nine days into the vacation, other than Phillies games, we have watched no television shows at all. For real. And other than our daily blog, we have spent ZERO MINUTES on the computer.
That's it for now. Back tomorrow. Stay healthy. Be safe.
Posted by Pit Master at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Got to The Link yesterday around 4 PM. The Playmaker got a Namdi Asomugha jersey and an Eagles ping pong paddle. Then we walked across the street to The Bank. Grabbed cheesesteaks at Tony Luke's in Ashburn Alley, along with a pork sandwich. Went over to Bull's BBQ and talked to The Bull, Greg Luzinski, and snapped some pictures. Got to our Hall of Fame Club seats and watched three innings (dinger for John Mayberry) before the lightning drove everyone inside. (In there, Phillies first round pick Larry Greene, Jr. walked right by us.) Watched the Eagles and defensive coordinator baboon Juan Castillo get their ass kicked by the Steelers for 30 minutes before calling it a night and heading back to the shore. Turned out to be a wise move, as the rain delay ended up lasting nearly three hours.
That's it for now. Back tomorrow. Stay healthy. Be safe.
Posted by Pit Master at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Going to The Bank...
Getting ready to head to The Bank to watch the Phillies tonight. (We'll stop at the Eagles Pro Shop at The Link first.) The Playmaker is wearing his new Hunter Pence jersey.
That's it for now. Back tomorrow. Stay healthy. Be safe.
Posted by Pit Master at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
B - I - G day today!!!
We shaved a minute and six seconds off our morning run. Woo! Woo!
But the BIG news is that The Wife is coming down today. (Should be here by noon.) And not to sound all sappy, by we are totally psyched!
So don't text, e-mail or call tonight, 'cause we'll be busy.
(The Phillies are on TV and Cliff Lee is pitching.)
That's it for now. Back tomorrow. Stay healthy. Be safe.
Posted by Pit Master at 7:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Sunny skies, calm waters = dolphins (tons of 'em) ...
Calm waters and sunny skies today. Around 11:30 this morning a whole slew of dolphins swam by heading north.
That's it for now. Back tomorrow. Stay healthy. Be safe.
Posted by Pit Master at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 15, 2011
Four from down the shore...
1. Crazy weather! Finished our morning run as it started to rain around 6:30 this morning. Looked like a beach wash-out, so we did some shopping. Around 10:30 the sun broke through. We went to the beach from 11:30 until 2:00. It was beautiful. Water and waves perfect. Sun warm, not hot.
2. The aforementioned run! We did not improve our time today. In fact, we tacked on an extra 52 seconds. Oops. Then again, who cares?!? It's vacation!
3. That's right, it's V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N! And that means you can do whatever you want. And so we found ourselves driving back from shopping this morning and passed a hot dog/BBQ truck on the side of the road. It was 10:30, so that meant ... wait for it ... time for a grilled hot dog! Delicious. Trust us. That won't be the last time we visit the truck. (Next time: Cuban sandwich, baby!)
4. Meanwhile, back on the mainland! Got an e-mail late this afternoon inviting The Playmaker to play on a fall baseball travelling all-star team. With flag football and travel soccer, we probably can't do it. Still, a nice honor.
That's it for now. Back tomorrow. Stay healthy. Be safe.
Posted by Pit Master at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Totally stiff...
In the olden days there were many a summer when we went out every morning on the island and ran 6 miles. Now, we settle for doing just 4. Fifty weeks out of the year we hump the elliptical. The 2 weeks down here are the only times we actually go running. So today was our first run in 12 months. Started off slowly, easing our way into it. The right knee started aching almost right away. That's the knee with no cartilage, it's Kobe-Bone-On-Bone. Somewhere after the first mile (61st Street), the pain went away, but was quickly replaced with a burning sensation in both quads. Around mile 3, we got pretty loose and huffed and puffed our way to the 4 mile finish. (It's actually 4.25 miles.) Drenched in sweat, we couldn't wait to hit the shower. On our way to sacred Wawa, we completely stiffened up and ached all over. Most of the day felt that way. We are pretty sure that every morning from here on out the run will be easier. And we are guessing (hoping?!?) we'll shave several seconds off our time.
Good morning on the beach. The surf was rough, in preparation for the afternoon thunderstorm (Phillies got rained out.) We watched the golf in the afternoon, then fell asleep reading before watching the sudden death. Now ready to settle in and read our John Sandford novel, Buried Prey.
That's it for now. Back tomorrow. Stay healthy. Be safe.
Posted by Pit Master at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Basement, 1.0 -- Hotspot all set up ...
Spent $29 last week so our EVO 4G phone could act as a "hotspot" while in The Basement. That way we can use our EVO for wifi and blog from our laptop at lightning fast speed. First day in the books. As we Tweeted, the majority of the day was spent cleaning and making the house spotless. Took the kids to the beach at 5:30 and we stayed an hour. Two things: You can't watch Shark Week and then go in the ocean and not think about sharks at least a little bit. And it's amazing how the minute you hit the water, all the crap (a relative term, of course) in your life just seems to vanish.
That's it for now. Back tomorrow. Stay healthy. Be safe.
Posted by Pit Master at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 12, 2011
The day has come...
Don't be alarmed, people. Fear not what you see in today's post. It's something that's never graced this space before. A podcast. Made by US. Yes, us. It's a little technologically crude. Sounds kind of like Larry the Loser podcasting out of his parents' basement. Definitely not using a high quality microphone. And perhaps we spoke a bit too closely into the thing. Ultimately, in the words of The Tuna: It is what it is. But it will definitely (and hopefully infinitely) get better. For now, give it a try.
Posted by Pit Master at 5:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Late night bonus
Classic Charlie Brown extra point attempt by the Patriots tonight!
(By the way, check back tomorrow morning for a special surprise.)
Posted by Pit Master at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
When we got home from the party (not before eschewing the host's offer of a cold brew in favor of a social bottle of water) we flipped on the game (in part because we had laundry to fold). It was 6-0 in the fourth.
By the end of the inning it was 6-3.
Ultimately, behind Ryan Howard's two run dinger (off a lefty, no less) and nifty relief work from Antonio Bastardo, the Phillies came back to win, 9-8.
Great to hear Dodger announcing legend Vin Scully call the game. (And we had no clue that he's a one man announcing crew -- no color commentator for Vin.) Vin Scully calling an August afternoon baseball win for the Phillies.
Good stuff.
Posted by Pit Master at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Something new...
Made meatballs tonight -- first time ever. Went old school and mixed ground beef with pork and veal. Wow. Tasted fantastic. (We just followed the recipe.) Even the kids said they were "better than Mimi's." (Yikes...)
Anyway, they will be great on a chilly autumn NFL Sunday afternoon.
Posted by Pit Master at 7:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 8, 2011
Wise guy speaks...
Other than perhaps Jayson Stark, Bill Conlin knows more about the Philadelphia Phillies than ANYONE. So when he talks, errrr, writes about 'em -- we are captivated. Click here.
Posted by Pit Master at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
The SF Giants are WHITE TRASH...
Anyway. The bottom line is we won the fight. Even better, we have outscored the White Trashers 12-3 in the first two games of the series. Cole Hamels takes the mound today, which means there will be no retaliation. If Buster Blanton or Jose Conteras were healthy and pitching, it would be a given that Fat Ass Sandival would be drilled in the head. Cliff Lee and maverick rookie Vance Worley would also glady bean Fat Ass. As it is, the best hope for retaliation is getting a big lead and having Brad Lidge come in. In that situation, he will joyfully hit someone.
Posted by Pit Master at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 5, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Tons of fun on a cool and breezy August morning.
Posted by Pit Master at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
This post has NOTHING to do with Alex Morgan*
Phillies 8 Rockies 6. Save: Brad Lidge
Posted by Pit Master at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The weight is over, errr, off...
Weighed in this morning. Dropped 3 pounds since last Tuesday. With next Friday being the day we head into The Basement, today was our final weigh-in for the summer. We lost a total of 21.5 pounds.
Posted by Pit Master at 8:03 PM 0 comments