Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Hit the market this afternoon to pick up fresh pork chops and husked corn for dinner.  We had a few minutes to waste while we waited to go pick up The Playmaker from a birthday party.  We sat in the parking lot and checked Twitter and found out Vance Worley had given up a 5 spot to the Dodgers in the first inning.  Oops.  No biggie, however, as with an almost-guaranteed-loss, the Phillies would end their west coast trip a sparkling 8-2.

When we got home from the party (not before eschewing the host's offer of a cold brew in favor of a social bottle of water) we flipped on the game (in part because we had laundry to fold).  It was 6-0 in the fourth.

By the end of the inning it was 6-3.

Ultimately, behind Ryan Howard's two run dinger (off a lefty, no less) and nifty relief work from Antonio Bastardo, the Phillies came back to win, 9-8.

Great to hear Dodger announcing legend Vin Scully call the game.  (And we had no clue that he's a one man announcing crew -- no color commentator for Vin.)  Vin Scully calling an August afternoon baseball win for the Phillies.

Good stuff.

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