Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday morning odds & ends...

1. Took the kids out to breakfast this morning. To prep for this, we jacked up the elliptical. We normally set the tension to 2 and then for the final 7 minutes, we throw it up to 3 and move the incline to 15 percent. Today, however, for the home stretch we moved the tension to 4 and the incline to 25 percent. We did not notice anything major discomfort. Of course, after we showered, our right hip totally tightened up on us. Now standing up and sitting down are a tad painful. That would be the hip flexor, right?!? Is there such a thing?!?

2. After breakfast, we stopped and got our head shaved with The Playmaker.

3. Despite the temps due to hit the 60s today, we are hosting a day long fire. We are about 75 percent through our cord of wood from the fall. But we still have about 30 pieces of crap wood from two years ago that has sat out unprotected for the past 12 months. Our goal today is to burn through all of that.

4. The kids are both outside having play-dates. Funny, back in the day, there was no such thing as a play-date. It was called, "We're going outside to play." Remember?!? You'd be out for hours at a time.

5. Tonight's menu: Pizza on the grill. Two of them, actually. One pepperoni and the other sausage.

More updates later...

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