Saturday, January 1, 2011


Every New Year's Day we make a short (and quick) list of resolutions for the coming 365. This year, in honor of 20 ELEVEN, we are posting 11 resolutions.

1. Save more $! This is a yearly staple.

2. Eat healthier! It's not that we are an unhealthy eater, it's just that we can improve in this department. We hope to add more fruits, veggies and servings of fish.

3. Keep the home office clean! Too often we just dump stuff on the desk and there it sits until ... well, keep reading.

4. Stay clean for the Cleaning Lady! Every other Friday she comes to clean. Which means every other Thursday we have to clean so she can clean. That often equals taking everything off our desk and putting it into a trash bag and whipping it into the trunk of the car. Ugh.

5. Keep track of the number of fires in the fireplace! Just to satisfy our own curiosity we'd like to know how many we fire up in a calendar year.

6. Summer weight! We have a summer weight goal we try to hit in time for our two week trip into The Basement. This year, we want to hit that number by June.

7. Read, don't pile! We always have a 10 inch pile of magazines waiting to be read. This year, we want to read them quickly and keep the pile under 5 inches.

8. Over/Under 100! Hoping, hoping, hoping for the over.

9. Be a better father, husband, teacher & coach! Enough said.

10. Unplug just a bit more! Less computer-slash-EVO time. Not much, just a smidge.

11. Have our family (and us) remain healthy!

Happy New Year!

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