Thursday, February 17, 2011

Same old Pee Pee

He was thoroughly embarrassed on national TV last Sunday against LeBron James and the Miami Heat. Loser-Douchebag-A-Hole Paul Pierce scored ... wait for it ... ONE point (on classic oh-for-10 "shooting").

What did he do after that piss-poor-performance?!?

He said he had a bad foot. So bad, in fact, he said he needed to get an MRI on it.

And what did the MRI reveal?!?

N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!! (Shocker!)

(Apparently MRIs can't scan for the syndrome known as being a TOTAL FRAUD.)

Last night, with King James long gone, Pee Pee got to play against the Mighty Nets. Predictably, he scored 31 points.

Guess the foot doesn't hurt so much when you play a crappy team.

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