Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's a new year!!! (Let us count the complaints...)

1. We have a bad cold! Our Daughter had it.  And probably gave it to us.  It feels like the flu -- but of course it can't be since we had a ... wait for it ... flu shot last fall.  Ugh.   

2. Our sciatica kicked in yesterday afternoon!  It was, undoubtedly, triggered by two nights of sleeping on the couch (so we wouldn't keep The Wife awake with our coughing).  Last night we slept in the guest room, which was a heckuvalotbetter than the couch.  (Why did we not do that sooner and skip the couch altogether?!?  Good question.  Short answer: the guest room is full of the Christmas boxes from the attic.)

3. Holiday eating!  Between Thanksgiving and Christmas we lost 5 pounds.  Woo!  Woo! The problem is we gained those five back (plus probably another 5) over Christmas and New Years.

So to sum up ... We feel like crap.  Miss sleeping in our own bed.  Have a shooting pain from the lower back down through our ass.  And we feel like an overweight slug.

Happy New Year!!!  

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