Well, this doesn't happen to us very often. In fact, it hasn't happened to us since, like, what seems to be forever. One game from getting a Philadelphia sports championship. (Sorry, Arena Losers, Bon Jovi and Jaws bringing a title home via the Soul does NOT count!) True, it was only three years ago that the Eagles battled the Patriots in the Super Bowl. But deep down inside, we knew there was no way they were going to beat New England.
The scary thing, however, is how pessimistic we are. While The Sporting World seems to consider tonight's game a mere formality (hello, Gene Wojciechowski), we think if the Phillies lose tonight, they will be in deep trouble. Think about it: no Cole Hamels the rest of the series and they have to go back and play in Crap Hole Field.
So while tonight is certainly not Lose and Go Home for the Phillies -- it kind of feels that way with us. So, to bring some good karma, we are going to focus on all the great things related to the Phillies:
1. Bake McBride's afro from the 1980 championship team.
2. Dickie Noles getting loaded at the bar with The Pope, general manager Paul Owens, and then getting punched out by said Pope.
3. Tug McGraw's screwball.
4. Jeff Stone thinking their was more than one moon.
5. Jeff Stone thinking a shrimp cocktail had alcohol in it.
6. Dave Cash's nickname -- AC -- because he was always so cool.
7. The yellow seats in Veterans Stadium.
9. The fact Dutch Daulton showed us a centerfold of his wife in his locker during the summer of 1990 (true story).
10. The Philly Fanatic.
11. The toughness of coach John Vukovich (R.I.P.)
12. Anything and everything about Dallas Green.
13. Manny Trillo drinking champagne from the 1980 National League Championship trophy.
14. Steve Carlton's slider.
15. Bull's BBQ.
16. Ashburn Alley.
17. Nino Espinoza faking an injury in 1980 so Hard Marty Bystrom (5-oh as a
September call-up) could take his spot on the post season roster.

18. Jimmy Rollins taunting the Mets and then backing up his talk.
19. Dick (Rufus) Ruthven coming out of the 'pen (after winning 17 as a starter) to win the fifth game of the playoffs against the Astros in 1980.
20. Jim's Steaks in center field.
21. The fact that when we were a kid, our father took us to Phillies games and kids got in for 50 cents (senior citizens, too). The price for adults? A whopping $2.50.
22. Pete Rose intentionally getting hit by a pitch and then sprinting to first base to kick start the rally in game one of the 1980 World Series.
23. Dickie Noles (again) regaining lost momentum for the Phillies by throwing a 90 MPH heater at George Brett's face in game four of the 1980 series.
24. The picture in Sports Illustrated of catcher Bob Boone laughing as he caught Noles' bean-ball.
25. Shane Victorino's efforts against the Dodgers two weeks ago.
26. The 1976 team, which was the second best in baseball and gave the Reds everything they could handle and more in the playoffs.
27. Mike Schmidt thinking he was (and is) the coolest guy on the planet.
28. Arnold Ray posting 1980 numbers of .309, 21 and 87.
There you have it. Twenty eight things to help bring the Phillies their first World Series title in 28 years! Go, Phillies!
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