Boston College at North Carolina -- Daddy Butch's kids are good at home, a little shaky on the road. Coach Jags' guys are just plain shaky. UNC 24 BC 21.
Texas Tech at Kansas -- The two coaches, Mike Leach and Mark Mangino, are both from Bob Stoops' original OU staff. Both guys are still sorely missed. Leach would be great to hang with at a cocktail party. Mangino would be the guy to hang with at a Chinese food buffet. Neither team plays any defense. We'll take KU in an upset, 45-41.
Illinois at Wisconsin -- No reason to watch this game, except for the fact you can tell your woman that you run faster than these Big 10 players. Illinois 24 Wisconsin 20.
Oklahoma State at Texas -- Reason to watch: To see if OS-Who coach Mike Gundy's head explodes. Texas 41 OS-Who 24.
Georgia at LSU -- Is there a more overrated player than Georgia QB Matthew Stafford?!? LSU 21 Georgia 17.
Michigan State at Michigan -- The Playmaker told us he will "probably decide to play football at Michigan." We told our wife that when that happens, we will "definitely" be moving to Ann Arbor. State 17 Michigan 16.
Dartmouth at Columbia -- Come again?!? Hey, the game is on Versus -- and that means HD at its highest level. Dartmouth 2 Columbia 0.

Colorado at Missouri -- Remember when CU got, like, 12 extra downs against Mizzou? Today, Mizzou looks to take out the frustration of the last two weeks (getting pistol whipped by OS-Who and Texas) and put a beat-down on the Buffs. Missouri 35 Colorado 20.
Alabama at Tennessee -- The SEC on a Saturday night is the pinnacle of college football. Not sure how many more losses Phillip can absorb before he gets pushed out of Knoxville. Alabama 24 Tennessee 14.
Penn State at Ohio State -- This will show us how good PSU really is. Ohio State is a bottom tier top 20 team. If PSU is any good, they should be able to go on the road and secure the W. Penn State 23 Ohio State 17.
Notre Dame at Washington -- ZZZ. Weiss 21 Willingham 14. ZZZ.
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