Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dealing w/ Donovan

This whole Donovan McNabb thing is interesting, to say the least. It was reported yesterday that #5 will hold off on signing a contract extension until he sees if/how the Eagles add more offensive weapons. k

First things first. McNabb is under contract for the next two years. However, his cap number next year is something asinine like $ 14 mill. So the "extension" is really ripping up the existing contract and making a more cap friendly one for the Eagles and in return giving D-Mac an additional year or two.

That being said, he does need more weapons around him. Anyone who disputes this is either crazy or going by the name Andy Reid or Joe Banner. And a major reason why McNabb needs more weapons is because he's not a great player. Hell, he's not even a good player. No, he's merely pretty good. There are at least 12 other QBs who could have "led" the Eagles to 9 victories last season.

His backers (if there are any) point to the year he was given Terrell Owens. The result was a Super Bowl. (Where McNabb's miscues helped lead the team to defeat.) But what about the (injured) Golden Boy, Tom Brady?!? He won his first Super Bowl throwing to wide outs Troy Brown and David Patten. Those two were no better than Kevin Curtis and DeSean Jackson. The problem, of course, is the fact Brady is five times (five!) the player McNabb is.

We don't have a problem with McNabb waiting to see what the Eagles do this off-season. However, can you picture this kind of crap happening with the Patriots?!? Whatever requests Tom Brady has made have been done in private, without bruising any egos. This is just the latest example of McNabb using poor judgement. The only difference is it's usually done on the playing field. Given the Eagles refusal in recent years to add offensive weapons (Lorenzo Booker, anyone?!?), it's a good bet McNabb will not get the help he is "seeking." But maybe he already knows this. And he definitely knows that unless he reworks his contract, the Eagles will not bring him back next year. So maybe this is his way asking for a trade -- without actually asking, of course.

Finally, we think it would be hilarious if DeSean Jackson came out and said he was not going to sign a contract extension until the Eagles made an upgrade at quarterback. Seriously, we'd take Matt Cassel over #5 in a second!

Get over yourself, Donovan. You're really not that good.

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