1. He's not so smooth when you strip him of his teleprompter! We did not waste much time listening to President Hussein's "speech" on TV Monday night. And lord knows we could never survive having to get up and speak to The Country, but what happened?!? Where was the smooth, eloquent speaker that fooled captivated the people on the campaign trail?!? Liberals constantly crapped on W for his (lack of) public speaking. Was Huseein that bad?!? No. But he was plenty bad.
2. The part of speech we did watch was nothing more than blaming W for the country's problems! Hussein constantly referred to the issues he "inherited." And that's so funny, because he never once fingered the One Person who started the mess. Um, that would be Barney Frank, the chairman of the House Finances Committee. You remember him, right?!? He's the guy who felt everyone in America deserved a mortgage to buy a house. Didn't matter how unqualified they were to even begin to make the monthly payments. Nope Liberal Barney only cared that even the lowest of the lower class got a chance to be a homeowner. Of course, 30 days later, when many of those people could not make the mortgage payments, the housing market went into the crapper. Followed quickly by the banking industry. And now here we are today.
3. Wow -- Timothy (Franz) Geithner is off to a great start! For those who don't
know, he's the guy Hussein named as his Treasury Secretary. (A tad ironic, since he is also the guy who failed to pay rough $30,000 in back taxes.) Franz got up Tuesday and made his first big speech. And what did he say? How does he plan to fix the mess? Well, he really didn't say much. There were few details and not much oomph. How bad was it? Even Mr. Teresa Heinz found fault with it. When John Kerry, King of Liberals, finds fault with other liberals -- you've got problems. Wall Street was similarly disappointed and plunged 382 points.

All in all, not a great week for President Hussein.
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