Thursday, May 28, 2009

Randoms, 2.0

We are working on article about two new high tech purchases being in our distant (3-6 month) future. of them is a new cell phone. And we are, to say the least, intrigued by the iPhone. Even more so now that we read today's news that AT&T is going to upgrade its 3G Network. It claims devices (Read: The iPhone!) will be able to download at a speed of almost 1 megabyte per second. For the non-techies out there, that speed is frigging insane! Anyway, here's the article.

So Brett Myers (bum hip) is now hurt. After years of underachieving (and being an A-hole off the field), it is time to play the Bill Parcells' Card. You are what your are. And this is what Myers (4-3, 4.66) is: a 3rd or 4th pitcher in your rotation. It appears he will never develop into anything more than that. And G.M. Ruben Amaro, Jr. should call Pat Gillick proceed as such and go out and land a #2 for the rotation.

Many Anti Coach Cal People are doing a mock Now-there's-a-shock at today's stories saying the NCAA Feds have landed in Memphis to drop-kick the basketball program into the gutter over allegations that Coach Cal's Big Gun two years ago, Derrick Rose, allegedly cheated on his SATs.

Three things: 1. We have blind faith in The Man. 2. How was he to blame for Marcus Camby being morally weak and accepting jewelry and hookers at UMass?!? 3. Does anyone really think Cal was dumb enough to get connected to any type of SAT impropriety?!? ***That's not to say he was unaware of some winky-winky. any Wise Guy, he was undoubtedly left out of the loop to avoid getting Pistol Whipped by NCAA Feds. And even if Rose cheated, does anyone really believe he is the only star to have ever done so?!? Puh-lease.

OK...after about a 10 day hiatus (having missed one game because of Dance Class) The Playmaker's Sister takes her .500 batting average back to the softball field tonight. The message we will give her is the same one we will give you:

Go out and kick some ass today.

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