Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Staying home today for the big 4-oh

Today is my wife's birthday, so we are both taking the day off from work. Woo-Woo!

Stuff I Want To Happen

1. Get up early and run (helps with the motor oil detox)
2. Go to Dunkin' Donuts for hazelnut coffee
3. Get the puppy up and out, while reading sports page
4. Get the kids fed, lunches made and to the bus stop
5. Watch TV
6. Cruise the Internet
7. Watch more TV
8. Repeat points 5-8
9. Repeat point 8...over and over

Stuff That Really Will Happen

1. Steps 1-4 (already done)
2. Go shopping with the birthday girl
3. Pay for a lot of stuff (none of which is for me)
4. Carry all the stuff
5. Go to lunch (and get stuck with the bill happily pay)
6. Carry shopping bags (crates?) into house
7. Watch as bags (all 33 of them) get emptied
8. Say stuff like, "Wow, that looks great!"
9. Think stuff like, "Wow, I wonder how long until I can hit the couch for 90210 reruns and cooking shows!"


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