Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wi-Fi, 1.0 - The first (real) day...

1. Got up at 5:30 and ran 4.2 miles. We had not run since last Wednesday, so The Knee had three full days of rest. It felt fine (basically) on the run from 41st to 82nd Street and back. It was a bit tender later in the ocean, but the rest has definitely helped.

2. After showering, we piled The Playmaker into the car and went to get coffee (hot chocolate for The Diesel) and newspapers. We then drove around the island drinking and talking sports.

3. Hit the beach around 10 AM and went straight for the water, as the heat was beginning to build. Ninety minutes of football and boogie-boarding later (with The Playmaker's Sister), we plopped in our beach chair and had a soft pretzel for breakfast.

4. We are now off to read and, most likely, fall asleep for a nap. Zzzz.

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