Sunday, October 18, 2009

Playing with fire...

Taking a break from sitting in front of the day-long fire just long enough to say...

1.OU is now Texas' bitch! The pain of saying that is real. We have now lost four out of five to those arrogant A-holes. We outplayed them for most of the game, but the usual suspects (Dom Franks and DC Brent Venables) made their usual mistakes. Franks tried to be cool and pick up a bouncing punt, only to, of course, fumble it and give Texas 3 points. Venables had the Bonghorns totally confused in the first half with his constant barrage of Buddy Ryan-esque blitzes. In the second half, however, he went back to his boring, vanilla self and stopped blitzing completely. As such, Texas scored 13 second half points. Of course, we would have won had Stone Hands himself, Keenan Clayton, managed to hang on to either of his pick six opportunities.

2. Brent NFL Suicide Pool Update! Along with The Playmaker, we are one of six people still alive in the $400 pool. Today we are going with the Steelers (for the second and last time this season), while The Playmaker is going with the Eagles (also for the second and last time).

3. Throw away the book, Uncle Charlie! There was no reason on Earth to take Pedro out of that game Friday afternoon. He was under 90 pitches and could have easily taken the mound for the 8th inning. Your pen sucks and your starter has yielded just 2 hits in 7 innings. Let him at least pitch the 8th and then go to the pen. Oh, and it's not our style to be critical, but how and why has Ryan Madson become a total pu$$y?!? How can you throw 97 on the gun and have a killer change up and still wilt under pressure like a little baby?!? Un-frigging-believable.

4. Team 801 won its soccer game yesterday, 6-5, to remain undefeated! The Playmaker had 1 goal.

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