Thursday, October 8, 2009


We were cruising the web during lunch yesterday and happened to be on when the Michael Crabtree story broke. Ten seconds later we were seeing if anyone had beat us to the punch in our Fantasy World. Seeing no one had, we quickly waived OU Guy Mark Clayton and welcomed Crabtree onto our team. About an hour later, the Blackberry blew up with texts from the rest of the league cursing us out.

Sorry, boys. And good gawd, an hour?!?

As we hinted at a few weeks ago, we always wanted to stash Crabtree on our team for a rainy day. Will he do anything in the immediate future?!? Of course not. But he should be a major factor in the second half of the season.

For now, he will be on our bench. Tuesday we dumped Chansi Stuckey (who, ironically, was traded in real life yesterday for trouble making Michigan Man Braylon Edwards) and claimed Tennessee's Nate Washington. He will start with over-achieving Mike Sims-Walker and under-achieving Larry Fitz. Also, we cut bait with LenDale White and gave his spot on the bench to Reggie Kardashian Michael Bush.

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