Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

1. Humped the elliptical for an extra 10 minutes this morning -- trying to recover from the fact that we have eaten a lot of (good) food the last three days.

2. Burned a few more carbs playing doubles tennis with The Family for an hour on the local courts. Guys versus Girls. Guys won. (Duh...)

3. Breakfast on the deck after tennis. Pancakes for everyone. Just coffee for us.

4. A pork shoulder went into the oven at 10 this morning. We will pull it at 4 and try not to eat the whole damn thing in 60 seconds.

As we told the Phillies after our win Saturday morning: Spend at least two minutes today thinking about why you don't have to go to school or work. Remember the importance of the day. And honor it. Then go have your fun.

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