1. Brand figures he can get a max contract from the Clippers -- in the neighborhood of $20 million per year.
2. Brand wants to come back to the East Coast (he's from Peekskill, NY).
3. Brand wants to play for a winner. Having spent his entire NBA career with the Bulls and Clippers, he has made the playoffs just once in 10 years (with the 2005-06 Clippers).
4. Brand wants some type of combination of numbers two and three.
If it's pure money he's after, Brand and the Clippers will come to an agreement. As for options 2-4, there aren't a lot of teams who can fill the bill. The 76ers and Brand have been flirting (unofficially, of course) for months. There's a report in today's Los Angeles Times that basically says it is a two team race: The Clips and the Sixers. The problem with Philly is, they can "only" offer Brand around 12 mill per year. It is doubtful he will take that much of a discount to come back east. However, a sign and trade is another option. Like Brand, teammate Corey Maggette also opted out of his Clippers' contract yesterday. If Maggette walks, the Clippers would at least think about a sign and trade with Brand and Andre Iguodala.
Now, there are also rumors that the Miami Heat will make a play for Brand. Would Pat Riley be willing to move the-just-drafted Michael Beasley (and other salaries) for Brand?
Ultimately, unless Philly lets Iguodala walk for free (thus freeing up more coin for Brand) or they can get the Clippers to bite a sign and trade, we just don't see Elton Brand ending up with Your Our Philadelphia 76ers. Instead, it looks like Ed Stefanski has moved Atlanta Hawks ultra-athletic-forward Josh Smith to the top of his checklist. Today's Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that Smitty will most likely be in Philadelphia tomorrow morning.

So, what would Fast Eddie be getting in Josh Smith? A good power (kind of) forward who can run, dunk, block shots and be a steady (as in: not great) rebounder. Plus, he is just 23 years old! A crew of Smith, Iguodala, Samuel Dalembert and Thaddeus Young -- directed by floor general Andre Miller would be the most athletic unit in the league, bar none (bar none!). Adding Smith will get the 76ers to 50 wins next season and a four seed in the playoffs. (Of course, once the playoffs come, the team's lack of outside shooting will doom them -- but, alas we digress.)
This whole premise is, of course, contingent upon the Hawks not matching an offer by the 76ers. However, the consensus is that if (when?!?) Stefanski comes hard with 12 mill, the Hawks will not match. Our guess is this thing will be over by July 4th -- when we will be eating burgers and 'dogs, celebrating the 76ers' new power forward.
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